雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Stanley Market is close to Repulse Bay on Hong Kong Island as the must-visits of street markets and attractions and a great bargain place for Chinese Souvenirs.

  2. 在這裡你會看到香港最市井的一面。市集一般都有小的商店,更多的是小的攤位組成,你可以在這裡買到幾乎所有的小商品,例如服裝,手袋,古董,玉器,花卉,金魚,電子產品,日常生活用品,玩具,甚至情趣用品等等。如果你想找一些特別的紀念品,去市集看看就對了。如果你有興趣,可以在 廟街夜市 找一個算命師傅看看你的手相或者面相,或者讓可愛的小鳥幫你佔上一掛。. 如果你有運氣,在夜幕降臨之後,你可以會碰到街坊們在街市附近表演粵劇。如果你想買服裝,手袋,日常用品和紀念品,可以去 女人街 走一走。在廟街附近的 玉器市場 ,說不定能淘到不錯的寶貝。再不然,去 雀鳥花園 看看人們悠閒的拿著鳥籠遛彎,享受難得香港難得的恬靜。不要忘了嘗一嘗街上的地道小吃,像是臭豆腐,咖喱魚蛋,雞蛋仔和格仔餅,都值得一試。.

  3. Here are the most popular districts in Hong Kong. Check out where to visit, to shop, to relax in different districts.

  4. 玉器市場入口. 香港玉器市場擁有超過400個出售玉器的攤位,在這裡你可以買到從玉器到珍珠,寶石各種各樣的雕刻,首飾,裝飾品等。

  5. Great place for hunting jewelry made of jade, pearls and gemstones, such as bangles, pendants, amulets, necklaces, rings, earrings and charms.

  6. Landmark North has about 100 different shops selling electronics, clothes, sport gears, toys, and jewelry and beauty items and it is very close to Hong Kong/Shenzhen border that it becomes popular among visitors from China.

  7. Repulse Bay has the best sands and peaceful views which is popular for tourists and locals. The nearby Tin Hau Temple is typical Hong Kong temples dedicating to Tin Hau.