雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 澳紐商會全力支持臺灣加入#CPTPP #跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定! ANZCham supports the expansion of the #CPTPP membership to include Taiwan. [English Below]...

  2. 就在今天,韓國政府宣布申請加入CPTPP。. 此時此刻,台灣絕對有更大的迫切性,接軌國際標準,加入CPTPP。. 一直以來,台灣與韓國在許多產業上競爭激烈,誰先加入CPTPP, #誰就更早取得關稅與投資優勢 。. 雖然台灣在今年,比韓國更早申請加入CPTPP,但是韓國 ...

  3. Members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (#CPTPP) have welcomed Taiwan's application to join the trade pact,...

  4. ANZCham welcomes and supports Taiwan's application to join the CPTPP which we believe will benefit our members, Taiwan and CPTPP member states. We have... We have been invited to participate in a public hearing for the inquiry into expanding membership of the CPTPP with the Trade Sub-Committee of the Australian Parliament's Joint Standing ...

  5. 2023年10月1日 · 澳洲金融評論報(Australian Financial Review, AFR) 刊出吳正偉處長專訪 #台灣盼獲澳洲支持加入CPTPP(Taiwan asks Australia to support its bid to join trans-Pacific pact) 趕緊幫大家摘錄重點在這裡喔 - 台澳交往無礙澳洲穩定對中關係 ...

  6. 2021年11月11日 · CPTPP Members Welcome Taiwan Bid: N.Z. Minister https://tippinsights.com/content/images/2021/11/CPTPP-1.png...

  7. 2021年11月21日 · Members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) have welcomed Taiwan's application to join the trade pact, according to New Zealand Trade and Export...

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