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  1. 2024年6月6日 · In an email, an attachment is usually a file that is also included within the email and that one can open by clicking onto an “icon” (small image, picture). Your resume may be attached to an email when applying for a job. “附件”是指添加到主要物品上的任何額外物品。. 在電子郵件中,附件通常是一個文件 ...

  2. 6 天前 · 6. Sign your email. Sign your email with your contact information, including your full name, phone number, and email. If you have a website, include the address. 7. Attach your materials. Make sure to attach all required materials, such as your CV, in the appropriate format. 8. Proofread before you hit “send”.

  3. 6 天前 · Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. College student format. This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design.

  4. 2024年6月4日 · 一. 履歷表. 二. 學歷證明書副本. 立即報名參加「JUMP招聘及進修博覽2024」 數百筍工「職」揀「職」見! 相關文章. 【中文求職信】範例4:人事部經理. 【中文求職信】範例3:記者. 【中文求職信】範例2:營業代表. 【中文求職信】範例1:會計文員. 【求職信】中文範例. (圖:網上圖片)王校長: 應徵中文科老師本人從X月X日的 JUMP 上得悉.

  5. 2024年6月3日 · 【職場英語|商業英語電郵email教學】打工仔每天工作都會收到許多電郵,想簡短又快速地在電郵中表明目的?大家不妨可以使用「For your…」句式,這是商務電郵最常用的表達方法。學好以下7句,就能簡單直接地把訊息傳達啦!For的用法 說明某件事的對象

  6. 2024年6月4日 · The CV’s No. 1 task is not to put the reader off. PHOTO: PEXELS Updated Jun 04, 2024, 05:00 PM Published Jun 04, 2024 ... More Whatsapp Linkedin Twitter FB Messenger Email Print Copy permalink ...

  7. 2024年6月5日 · 第一种,可以网页登录 https://cv.zhipin.com 线上填写简历第二种可以微信关注「直聘简历」小程序进入后选择专业职位模板(含专业学生模板),按照模板内容填写,完成可直接上传附件到BOSS直聘,也支持下载到本地。