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  1. 2022年12月22日 · Hermès Picotin Sizes. Historically, the Picotin Lock Bag has come in three sizes: 18 cm, 22 cm, and 26 cm, with the Picotin 18 being the most popular size. A fourth size, the Micro Picotin, was released in a Swift Leather daisy pattern in 2022. Check out the table below to see the dimensions of each size.

  2. Discover the Hermès Picotin bag collection and its different variants on the official Hermès website.

  3. 2022年6月9日 · Picotin Lock Bag 系列袋款分為了4 個尺寸,手柄較短亦較熱門的 Picotin 18 及 Picotin 22 適合當作手提袋,尺寸較大的 Picotin 26 及 Picotin 33 就可以當 shoulder bag。

  4. 2022年7月24日 · This Hermès bucket bag comes in three sizes. Though all sizes are roomy and accommodate your daily essentials, the larger ones fit much more. The largest size also has an androgynous appeal making it popular among men as well (who often enhance it with an added shoulder strap and wear it as a cross body).

  5. 2023年1月3日 · Your complete guide to the Hermès Picotin - from leathers to bag sizes, styles and colours, limited editions and price. Read on & shop now >>

  6. Picotin手提包線條簡約純淨且不設內裡,自然展現低調風範。 款式採用柔韌皮革,透過中央縫線強調材質美感,以簡約設計激發澎湃情感。 信手捻來

  7. 2023年12月22日 · The Hermes Picotin Lock bag comes in various sizes ranging from smallest to largest: the Micro Picotin (also known as the Picotin 14), the Picotin 18 (PM), the Picotin 22 (MM), and the Picotin 26 (GM). A lesser-known Picotin size and not as common is the Picotin 31 (TGM). All numbers refer to the base measurement in centimeters. Micro. 18. 22. 26.

  8. Picotin手提包采用无内衬设计,线条简约自然,演绎低调优雅风格。 其材质精美,触感柔软,中央缝线增添点睛之笔。 简约设计激发丰富情感。

  9. Discover the Hermès Picotin bag collection and its different variants on the official Hermès website.

  10. 2020年10月7日 · Picotin的形狀是上寬下窄型的,小尺寸18底部的寬度約比卡夾長一點,長度約是眼鏡盒的長度。 若要帶皮夾的話,中夾可以平放在底層,大部分的長夾只能斜立著。 至於Picotin 18 的深度,同樣以眼鏡盒當比例尺的話,約到八分滿的高度,若講長夾直立,有可能頂端會露出。 實際使用. 有時覺得Picotin太素,加上家裡長輩不習慣「包包開口笑」,我會在皮帶穿過扣環後,在皮帶與第一個扣環上,打上搭配的絲巾,既有個造型,也稍微把開口遮住一點。 紐約的冬天很長,一年之中可能有六個月都要穿著厚薄不一的外套,Pitcotin即使是最小號的18尺寸,提把還是夠長,不太會因為穿著羽絨外套,而卡在肩膀與袖子上,可提可挽都十分方便。 有些人會在扣環上面加背帶,這樣除了手提、手挽,還可以肩背,甚至斜背。

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