雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tax Rates of Property Tax. Below is the tax rate of property tax for different years of assessment. # 75% of the 2007/08 property tax is waived subject to a ceiling of $25,000 per case.

  2. Property tax is computed at the standard rate on the net assessable value of the property for the relevant year of assessment. A year of assessment runs from 1 April to 31 March of the following year. The net assessable value is computed as follows: The following links provide you with more information on computing property tax.

  3. Property Tax is payable by the owner(s) at the standard rate by the year of assessment on “net assessable value” (NAV). Where the owner receives only rent and no other benefit, the annual rent is the “assessable value” (AV). Rent receivable (due but not yet received) should be included in the AV.

  4. For domestic tenements with rateable value over $550,000, the rates percentage charge for the first to third quarters of 2024-25 is 5%. With effect from the fourth quarter, i.e. January to March 2025, rates are calculated according to the progressive rates charge scale.

  5. Tax Rates. Tax rates for the latest 7 years. Profits Tax. Property Tax. Salaries Tax. Personal Assessment. Annual Income level at which salaries taxpayers approach the standard rate zone.

  6. Property rates, commonly known as property tax in many other tax jurisdictions, are one of the important taxes chargeable on landed properties in Hong Kong. They provide a steady and reliable source of government revenue to finance public expenditure and

  7. Rating and Valuation Department - Home. Progressive Rating System for Domestic Tenements (effective from January 2025) Pay Rates and/or Government rent. Information for Landlords & Tenants. Second term offer; rent calculator; & tutorial videos etc.

  8. How Property Tax is Computed. Learn more about how to compute property tax and provisional property tax here. You can also find examples for calculating property tax and provisional tax, and download a form for holdover of provisional tax.

  9. Common Questions and Answers on Completion of Property Tax Returns (BIR57 & BIR58) Introduction. The following questions and answers will help joint owners, owners in common and owners other than individuals in the completion of their Property Tax Returns.

  10. 繳稅辦法. 你可使用互聯網、電話、銀行自動櫃員機、郵寄或親臨繳付稅款。 此網頁提供各項付款辦法的詳情。 不依時繳稅的後果. 納稅人須按評稅通知書內所指明的日期或之前繳付稅款。 此網頁提供不依時繳稅後果的資料。