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  1. 住宿 深度日本. 選擇在一個國家生活工作,沒有安定的住宿環境可不行,身在海外時,住宿是你要解決的首要問題。 由於日本有著很多獨特的社會習慣和法律設定, 所以在找房子的過程中,要做好遇到困難的準備。 正是針對這一點,本文旨在為大家總結下在日本生活時找房的基本步驟,做到有備無患。 1. 不動產中介. 在某些國家,租客是可以直接跟房東溝通房產以至簽合同的,中間完全不需要仲介人,也不用額外花一筆錢付給中間環節。 但在規制繁複的日本,找房時通過仲介是必須的,有時候如果中間環節上,沒有帶有正規合法牌照的仲介人介入的話, 連租約都是不能成立的。 在日本,比較知名的大型不動產公司有Suumo, Home's, Chintai 跟 Minimini這幾家。

  2. 2017年2月24日 · 1. 不动产中介. 在某些国家,租客是可以直接跟房东沟通房产以至签合同的,中间完全不需要仲介人,也不用额外花一笔钱付给中间环节。. 但在规制繁复的日本,找房时通过仲介是必须的,有时候如果中间环节上,没有带有正规合法牌照的仲介人介入的话, 连 ...

  3. 2017年10月16日 · 这当然也是我家热气快速消失的原因之一。. 所以,当你要在日本租房的时候,最好先弄清楚房间的保暖性能如何,试着开关空调来确认热气大约多长时间消失,在窗边呆一会,感觉一下温度差别有多大。. 检查一下门和门框的距离,看看房屋的格局是不是很容易 ...

  4. The good news is that you don't need to be a resident of Japan to buy property here and there are (technically) no restrictions based on your nationality or country of origin. Do note that unlike some other countries, owning property in Japan does not make you eligible for a visa or residency permit, so if that is your ultimate goal, buying a house won't be helpful!

  5. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  6. 2017年10月16日 · In addition, when I close the doors to the bathroom or the hallway (the coldest parts of the house), there are much larger-than-normal spaces at the base of the door. The crack at the base of the door shouldn’t be large enough to see clearly into the adjacent room, but they are.

  7. 2019年9月12日 · The 70-year-old house, which was formerly a restaurant and geisha practice room, was renovated by the in-house design team at Trunk Hotel, along with local design firm Tripster. Think of it as a micro-hotel: the 2-story space comes with an open kitchen, dining room private garden and disco room on the ground level.

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