雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年1月30日 · In line with China’s countermeasures against the British government's handling of issues related to the BN (O) passport, the Hong Kong SAR Government has announced the non-recognition of the BN (O) passport as a valid travel document and proof of identity.

  2. 2023年7月19日 · July 19, 2023. Legal co-operation: Chief Executive John Lee (right) meets Minister of Justice He Rong at Government House. Law links: Secretary for Justice Paul Lam (right) signs a record of meeting with Ms He to deepen co-operation on talent nurturing and legal and dispute resolution services between the Mainland and Hong Kong.

  3. 2024年5月23日 · Secretary for Justice Paul Lam concluded his visit to the Middle East in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), today with his delegation. Mr Lam had a meeting with Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry Chairman Abdallah Sultan Al Owais this morning

  4. 2018年2月11日 · Former director of the Hong Kong Police Band James Leung recently took up the role of Chief Music Officer at the Music Office. For all ages: James Leung is considering the possibility of introducing new training courses retirees and adults can participate in.

  5. 2024年5月20日 · Secretary for Justice Paul Lam and his delegation met a senior official and visited a not-for-profit commercial arbitration organisation today as they concluded their visit to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  6. 2021年7月1日 · The Chief Executive has awarded 746 people in this year’s Honours List in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong or for their dedicated public and community service.

  7. 2021年8月8日 · Measures that have not been taken with authorisation of the United Nations Security Council are “unilateral coercive measures”, breaching the international law principles of sovereign equality and non-intervention, and a major barrier to international peace and