雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年2月26日 · ( BREAKING) Dispatch Reveals EXO’s Kai and BLACKPINK’s Jennie Are Dating However, after just 4 months of dating, the two called it quits, citing they would rather focus on their careers as idols. (UPDATE) Kai and Jennie Have Reportedly Broken Up After 4 Months of Dating

  2. 2016年3月31日 · Dispatch has published breaking news with a new idol relationship revealed as they report EXO member Kai and f (x) member Krystal are dating! Both SM Entertainment artists are the same age, born in ’94, and have known each other since their trainee days, reports Dispatch, with their relationship supposedly having started this spring.

  3. 2017年6月1日 · 南韓團體EXO成員Kai與f (x)Krystal在2016年4月時爆出戀情,隨後透過經紀公司認愛沒想在交往1年多後,傳出分手消息,據悉雙方因工作繁忙,已經退回到前後輩關係,未來將專注於演藝工作上,而分手傳聞稍早前已獲經紀公司證實。 知情人士透露Kai與Krystal分手了。 (圖/翻攝自SMTOWN臉書)...

  4. 2017年6月1日 · 韓國天團EXO成員Kai與女團f (x)的Krystal去年4月公開戀情,由於兩人同屬SM娛樂因而發展出社內戀愛。 可惜公開拍拖1年1個月後,Kai與Krystal今日驚傳分手,而SM娛樂亦剛剛證實消息! 有Kai與Krystal的熟人爆料,指兩人因日程繁忙而漸行漸遠,現時已經分手。 (網上圖片) 據韓媒報道,EXOKai與f (x) Krystal的熟人透露:「Kai和Krystal確實已經分手,他們因為繁忙的日程,約會愈來愈少。 雖然不確定分手的確切原因,但似乎兩人都想專注工作。 」消息又指,Kai與Krystal爽快地證實分手,兩人重新回到SM娛樂的同事關係,亦將繼續為對方應援。 Krystal@f (x)近日忙於拍攝新劇《河伯的新娘》。 (網上圖片)

  5. 2021年8月6日 · His first girlfriend, Krystal, worked in the same management company ( SM Entertainment) as him. The 6 feet tall idol released his solo debut album, ' KAI ', in 2020. 1. Krystal from f (x) Kai and Krystal posing for the camera. Kai and Krystal were great friends before dating. They used to meet each other even within their busy schedules.

    • Estefanía Martínez
  6. Apr 01, 2016. by Grace Jeong. It wasn’t an April Fools’ joke. Earlier today on April 1, KST, local news source Dispatch reported that EXO member Kai and f (x) member Krystal are dating. These...

  7. 2016年4月2日 · 娛樂頻道綜合報導南韓夯團EXO成員KAI和同門師姊團fx)」成員Krystal爆愛火由於昨天正逢愚人節讓不少粉絲都不敢置信認為只是愚人節玩笑而小倆口多次約會遭韓媒逮個正著所屬公司SM娛樂隨後也證實兩人的戀愛消息消息一出隨即掀起雙方粉絲熱議更有粉絲挖出過去照片看得出KAI與Krystal兩人關係在團內早已不是秘密成員們似乎早就知道。 KAI和Krystal遭韓媒踢爆秘戀,兩人拍到多次約會。 (翻攝自Dispatch微博)