雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 介紹東京Metro地鐵24小時車票資訊。 東京Metro地鐵24小時車票 (IC) 與都營地鐵通用的地鐵一日通票. 東京環游通票. 東京Metro地鐵學生24小時車票. 與都營地鐵通用的地鐵一日通票 (IC) 東京環游通票 (IC) 東京Metro地鐵24小時車票. 於使用開始後的連續24小時內,可自由搭乘東京Metro地鐵全線的車票。 有預售票和當日票。 東京Metro地鐵24小時車票 (IC) 自購票時間起24小時內,可在東京Metro地鐵線全部9條路線自由上下車的優惠IC卡車票。 與都營地鐵通用的地鐵一日通票. 東京Metro地鐵、都營地下鐵全線各站自由出入的車票. 東京環游通票.

  2. 外出工作! 求职时的都内出行! 可根据使用范围选择的各类型一日通票. 东京Metro地铁线自由上下车. 东京Metro地铁线 + 都营地铁线自由上下车. 东京Metro地铁线 + 都营交通 + JR线(23区内)自由上下车. 适用路线图. 东京Metro地铁全部9条路线均可自由上下车的各类型一日通票. 东京Metro地铁24小时车票. 启用后24小时内可自由上下车的车票,可使用至次日※。 东京Metro地铁24小时车票学生票. 可用于修学旅行等教育旅行的学生车票。 请通过代理旅游公司购买。 有效期截止到与前一天的启用时间相同的时间点. 东京Metro地铁24小时车票 (IC) 东京Metro地铁24小时车票学生票. 可在东京Metro地铁线、都营地铁线自由上下车的各类型车票.

  3. Information regarding special benefits such as discounts when you show an eligible discount ticket to various spots around Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway stations. Tokyo Metro's ticket information. You can search for fares and transfer routes as well as detailed information on tickets and passes.

  4. 1-Day Open Tickets. These are great value tickets that can be used on Tokyo Metro and other lines in Tokyo. 24-hour tickets that can be used freely for 24 hours from the first use and 1-day open tickets that can be used freely from the first train until the last train on a specific date are also available. Use them for...

  5. 1-Day Open Tickets. Information regarding the Tokyo Metro 24-hour Ticket and other one day tickets for unlimited rides on railway lines in Tokyo. Tokyo Metro 24-hour Ticket (IC) Common One-day Ticket for Tokyo Metro & Toei Subway. Tokyo Combination Ticket. Tokyo Metro Student 24-hour Ticket. Common One-Day Ticket for Tokyo Metro & Toei Subway (IC)

  6. This is a service to enable smooth purchase of new passes at Multi-functional ticket machines by online prior reservation. Various Coupon Tickets and one-day Open Tickets (Advance Tickets) are also available in addition to Passes. This page introduces Tokyo Metro PASMO/Tickets.

  7. Regular Tickets. Tickets are sold at ticket vending machines found at every Tokyo Metro station. Tickets are available in denominations of 180 yen, 210 yen, 260 yen, 300 yen, and 330 yen. Select the fare based on the distance you will travel. *The price shown includes the train station barrier-free fee (10 yen for adults).

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