雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The HKJCDPRI Public Educational Resources Section contains educational materials prepared for use amongst the general population for community education, and contain a variety of topics that allow the community to make informed decisions when preparing for disasters.

  2. 2021年8月25日 · Latest News. Check out the latest news of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute. 25 August, 2021 Wednesday. 天災人禍席捲全球 過半港人繼續零準備. [This article is only available in Chinese.] 「百年一遇的災害」,近年在香港及世界各地都有發生;可是過半港人面對災難時仍然缺乏準備,這將大大削弱社區應對災害的能力。

  3. 面對全球暖化來勢洶洶,一人之力又能做甚麼?其實無論您是居家達人、上班一族、品味青年或者鍵盤戰士,只要堅守崗位、各展所長,就能為守護地球出一分力。 綠色和平與您分享一系列自救法,Go Go Climate Rangers! 居家達人 燈燈燈凳:LED燈泡 當鎢絲燈泡陸續被淘汰,LED燈泡逐漸躋身主流,能源 ...

  4. The sustainability of humanitarian networks has implications for the long-term resilience at organizational, community, and societal levels. Based on my research in the past 6 years that studied various forms of sustainable humanitarian networks following different types of natural and technological disasters, this talk will first explain the ...

  5. We welcome participants from around the world to join our online learning platform Read More E-learning Platform Publications & Research We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise ...

  6. Hong Kong's Connected Future is the fourth annual study on Hong Kong's ongoing smart and sustainable city development produced by KPMG China in partnership with Autotoll, CGI, CLP, Cyberport, DLA Piper, JLL, Lenovo, MTR, Siemens, Signify, Sino Group, Smart City Consortium and theDesk.

  7. 2019年9月11日 · Through interactive learning, we help children to master knowledge on disaster preparedness. To arouse the interests of children, HKJCDPRI organises Annual Multi-Media Competition (MMC) on disaster preparedness.

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