雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2011年7月29日 · NOKIA 8810是NOKIA品味機的開始,但是,把NOKIA 品味系列打出真正名號的手機應該是NOKIA 8850,繼上次8855回味開箱之後的熱烈迴響,再來一篇更經典的回味開箱,90年代黑白機皇NOKIA 8850. 打著"尊容品味,純屬個人"的口號,外盒設計的確有種高貴感. 打開盒 ...

  2. The Nokia 8850 is a mobile phone handset manufactured by Nokia. It was a light alloy-bodied enhanced version of Nokia 8210 model with slider protection of the keypad and white lighting of the keypad and screen. The 8850 is considered to be an un-repairable phone, thus resulting in very few active handsets in the market. [1] .

    • Nokia
  3. 2013年9月4日 · Nokia 8850圖片來源hkgolden.com 有別於 8810 高調外殼,8850 改以霧面金屬質感與白色冷光螢幕推出。目標族群為高階消費者,因此販售時皆以全配為主,同時還有千禧年紀念木盒限量包裝。 (下一頁還有神機 3310) 延伸閱讀:

    • Cherryeye
  4. Nokia 8850 phone. Announced 1999. Features Monochrome graphic display, 830 mAh battery.

    • Sensors
    • SMS
  5. 2009年10月3日 · 最近幾個月,心血來潮,想收藏以前NOKIA經典的黑白機...第一個想到的就是NOKIA 8850.....想當時這隻的外型讓許多人令人著迷,不知走了多少小朋友...尤其是金色典藏版,更是讓人愛不釋手!!廢話不多說,先來個幾張吧!!盒子+金色典藏版8850金色典藏版8850側

  6. Nokia 8850結合感性永恆與古典的外觀,人有愛不釋手之感! 鋁鎂合金外殼包裹著白色亮光螢幕,這就是Nokia8850一支集永恆美感的設計與尖端科技於一身的曠世經典手機。. 優雅與符合人體工學的設計. 以細緻的顏色與俐落的線條,呈現新一代的設計趨勢. 輕巧 ...

  7. In 1998 Nokia released the Nokia 8850, which was based on the Nokia 8210 which quickly established itself as a design classic and a much sought-after mobile. When it was launched the CEO of Nokia, Jorma Ollila, described t he Nokia 8850 as "a landmark product for Nokia that represented the culmination of its efforts to develop a mobile phone ...

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