雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. nursing home for elderly 相關

  2. 網上平台為長者提供不同安老方案及介紹各項資助申請,助你更輕鬆照顧長者! 詳細解釋院舍的不同收費及雜費,揀選院舍輕鬆又安心!


  1. 長者社區照顧服務券計劃認可服務單位. 下載安老院宣傳刊物. 下載院舍券計劃宣傳刊物不適用下載社區券計劃宣傳刊物. 下載安老院收費表. 下載院舍券計劃. 認可服務機構收費表. 下載社區券計劃附加資料(不適用) 聯絡方法. 地區: 荃灣區. 地址: 新界荃灣永順街48號地下及2樓(部分) 電話號碼: 3520 2133. 附加電話號碼: 沒有. 傳真號碼: 3520 2131. 電子郵箱: info@olivecare.com.hk. 網址: www.olivecare.com.hk. 備註: 此安老院同時為長者社區照顧服務券試驗計劃下的認可服務單位。

    • 嘉瑞園護養院

      地址: 九龍深旺道38號海達邨服務設施大樓地下(部分)、3字 ...

    • 服務搜尋

      備註: 服務使用者可在自由文字方塊鍵入個別安老院及/或認可 ...

  2. Subsidised residential care services for the elderly aim to provide residential care and facilities for elderly persons aged 65 or above who, for personal, social, health and/or other reasons, cannot adequately be taken care of at home. Persons aged between 60 and 64 may apply if there is a proven need.

  3. Elderly Home Service. You have contributed throughout your life. Now, it is time to relax, live well, and know Senior Care is with you every step of the way. Senior Care Group is dedicated to providing high standard residential and individualized nursing care for the elderly in Hong Kong.

  4. Pine Care Group | Experienced Hong Kong Elderly Nursing Home. Our Locations. Silverage Collection. we have actively developed a new concept of senior care services and launched our "Silverage Collection" to provide more high-quality elderly home options for elderly residents looking for a more refined living environment.

  5. 地址: 香港鴨脷洲利東邨利東商場二期1字樓. 電話號碼: 2580 7733. 附加電話號碼: 沒有. 傳真號碼: 2580 7768. 電子郵箱: healthylife22@gmail.com. 網址: 沒有. 備註: 部分聯絡資料尚待安老院及/或認可服務單位提交. 宿位. 牌照. 服務質素. 人手、設施及服務. 免責條款:社署長者資訊網內個別安老院及/或認可服務單位的服務概覽所提供的資料只供參考之用。 雖然社會福利署 (社署)將定期更新服務概覽內的資料並盡力確保這個網頁上的資料準確無誤,但社署並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。

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