雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年10月5日 · The office considered the 20 percent bulk reward to be unlawful gains that should be confiscated, which is estimated to total more than NT$11.17 billion (US$349.47 million), and last week petitioned the court for seizure of the construction site.

  2. 2024年9月18日 · 綜合外媒報導,達美航空(Delta Airlines)DL1203航班15日上午,預計從猶他州鹽湖城(Salt Lake City)飛往奧勒岡州波特蘭(Portland)。 起飛沒多久,多名乘客的鼻子與耳朵開始感到疼痛甚至流血,最終宣布緊急返航。 乘客聲稱,事發當下航空公司不僅沒有告知出現增壓問題,也沒有解釋返航原因。 乘客普瑟(Jaci Purser)表示,當時就像有人拿刀刺耳朵,「我感覺到一些空氣跑出來,接著傳來冒泡聲。 我摸了摸耳朵,有血流出來」,其他乘客也有類似的情況。 另名乘客艾倫(Caryn Allen)透露,當時1名男子開始嚴重地流鼻血,其他乘客見狀紛紛協助止血。

  3. 2024年9月22日 · The city has seen the largest residential population inflow due to lower residential costs, emergent redevelopment projects and access to the Taoyuan International Airport MRT, the report said.

  4. 2024年10月4日 · A report of a person being swept away by floodwaters at Shueiyuan Bridge (水源橋) in Hualien County’s Sioulin Township (秀林) has been proven false, it said, adding that 2,380 of 7,402 typhoon-related incidents have been resolved.

  5. 2024年9月22日 · Rome is considering limiting access to the Trevi Fountain, one of its busiest monuments, ahead of an expected bumper year for tourism in the Eternal City, city council officials say. 羅馬市議會官員表示,在這座永恆之城預料明年迎來海量觀光客的前夕,當局正考慮限制最繁忙紀念景點之一,特雷維噴泉的訪客人數。

  6. 2024年9月15日 · The man was found on a rubber boat when he was about to set foot on Taiwan at the estuary of Houkeng River (後坑溪) near Taiping Borough (太平) in New Taipei City’s Linkou District ...

  7. 2024年9月24日 · The Taipei City Government has asked Farglory Group (遠雄集團) to repair serious water leaks in the Taipei Dome before Friday next week, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) said ...