雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如有任何查詢,請聯絡客戶服務熱線(852) 3187 5100。. If insured is Trust, please download"Customer Information Collection Form"in BOCG Insurance website www.bocgins.com, complete and submit together with proposal form. For any enquiries, please contact Customer Services Hotline (852) 3187 5100. (信託指根據信託法規法律 ...

  2. 伺服器錯誤. 確認. 我們總喜愛添置特色家具,費盡心思悉心打造一個舒適的家。. 一份周全的家居保障,能助您安心應對突如其來的事故。. 從您的家居財物、貴重財物及個人責任保障,到樓宇結構及家傭勞工保險。. 中銀集團保險誠意為您呈獻「周全家居綜合險 ...

  3. 傳真 Fax : 3906 9948電郵 Email: osc_policy@bocgroup.com# 必須填寫項目Mandatory Fields ( 如果提供的附夾文件中已有投保書所需資料,或之前曾提供予 . 銀集團保險且無須更新的資料,可不必填寫。You are not required to fill in the mandatory fields if the supporting documents attached to your ...

  4. 此條款及細則適用於由「中銀集團保險有限公司」(下稱「中銀集團保險」)營運之「中銀集團保險電子會員計劃」。. 任何申請成為電子會員的人士(下稱「申請人」)及每位電子會員(下稱「會員」)均有責任閱讀及了解此條款及細則。. 一經遞交網上申請表成為會員 ...

  5. 客戶注意事項Important Notes to the Customer: . 「僱員賠償保險」(下稱“本計劃”) 由中銀集團保險有限公司 (下稱“中銀集團保險”) 承保。. Employees’ Compensation Insurance (named below as “this Plan”) is underwritten by Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance

  6. 若未能充份透露實情,將會使投保公司得不到所需的保障,甚至使保單失效。. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the proposed Insured Company.

  7. 如有任何查詢,請聯絡客戶服務熱線(852) 3187 5100。. If insured is Trust, please download"Customer Information Collection Form"in BOCG Insurance website www.bocgins.com, complete and submit together with proposal form. For any enquiries, please contact Customer Services Hotline (852) 3187 5100. (信託指根據信託法規法律 ...

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