雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Check out the local weather before enjoying outdoor activity with your friends and family. Regional weather information, weather forecasts and warnings, UV Index, astronomical, tidal information and all you need to know about Hong Kong weather can be found here.

  2. Travelling Outside Hong Kong. Find out what you need to know for travelling outside Hong Kong, including travel documents and visa-free access, how to plan your trip, registration of outbound travel information and where to seek help when you are outside Hong Kong.

  3. form the basis for forecasting the weather in Hong Kong and the adjacent seas, as well as for providing the public with weather forecasts in fine spatial and temporal resolution. For local weather, apart from providing weather forecast up to 9 days ahead, the

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 監測站. 環保署空氣質素監測網絡設有十五個一般監測站及三個路邊監測站,持續量度空氣污染物水平。 一般監測站遍布本港各區,覆蓋不同土地用途的區域,它們通常裝設於四至六層高的大廈頂層。 路邊監測站則設於銅鑼灣、旺角及中環的路邊。 所有監測站的設計和運作均符合最高的國際標準,能有效及精確量度空氣污染物數據。 一般及路邊監測站分佈圖 如何判斷應參考哪一個空氣質素健康指數. 數據及統計. 環保署會將各監測站量度所得的數據記錄和分析,並為你提供以下各種有用的資料。 實時空氣質素健康指數會每星期 7 日、每日 24 小時向市民發布。 健康風險級別預測亦可在因空氣污染而出現高健康風險級別前向市民作出預警。 實時空氣質素健康指數及健康風險級別預測 下載空氣質素健康指數流動應用程式.

  6. 根據《環評條例》,工程項目簡介及環評報告會分別展示14天和30天,給公眾提供意見。 了解更多關於《環評條例》 輕鬆訂閱有關通知

  7. 申請政府職位空缺時,一般須遞交 G.F. 340 申請表格。. 申請表格可於民政事務總署各區民政事務處民政諮詢中心、或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取。. 申請人亦可在公務員事務局網頁下載申請表格,或於該網頁遞交公務員職位的網上申請。. 此外,申請人也可選擇 ...

  8. Find more about the weather conditions and information before you go on water sports or activities, so as to better plan your activities and take appropriate precautions when necessary. This webpage consolidates useful information including the latest weather forecasts, wind speed and wind direction reports, tide, UV index and more.

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