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  1. 2021年4月17日 · 簡易廚房. 甜品糖水. 發佈: 2021.04.17. 文: Sona Tina. 一提到OUTBACK的經典食物,相信大家都會選黑糖麵包。 原來自己在家都可以輕鬆整到,只需要3個步驟,就能整到濃濃黑糖味,口感鬆軟的OUTBACK黑糖麵包。 而且不需用麵包機,簡單手搓就做到! 鐘意食黑糖麵包的朋友不妨試試啦~ 準備時間. 2小時內. 份量. 4人以上. 黑麥/全麥麵粉: 80g. 高筋麵粉: 220g. 酵母: 3g. 黑糖: 40g. 黑糖蜜: 40g. 清水: 130-160g. 可可粉: 8g. 鹽: 4g. 菜油: 10g. 麥皮: 5g. 步驟: 1.先把所有材料充份混合,成為麵團。 然後放到枱上用手以由外向內的方式搓揉,令其自然形成麵筋。 ↓點擊圖片放大↓. +10.

    • What Kind of Bread Do They Serve at Outback?
    • Ingredient and Substitutions
    • How to Make This Bread
    • Bread Shaping Variations
    • Tips to Get This Recipe Right
    • Storing and Freezing

    The bread you get at Outback is a honey and molasses wheat bread roll. Usually, the rolls above are made by adding honey and molasses for sweetness to a half white flour, half whole wheat flour dough. A honey and molasses roll can also have cocoa and brown food coloring for making it darker. Here, we’re keeping the white all-purpose and whole wheat...

    Vegan Honey. I have a delicious vegan honey recipe that’s super easy to make,very close to the real thing and perfect for any recipe that calls for honey. But if you don’t want to try it, no problem: you can use maple syrup and still get amazing rolls. Cocoa Powder. It’s important touse cocoa, not hot chocolate mix! By using the second, you will be...

    You won’t be needing any fancy equipment for this recipe: these rolls are baked using a baking sheet and if you don’t have a stand mixer, kneading the dough by hand is perfectly doable. Knead dough (1) Mix dry ingredients: all-purpose and whole wheat flour, salt, cocoa powder and instant yeast. Add wet ingredients: lukewarm water, oil, vegan honey ...

    I love using this recipe for baking these mini loaves, but I’ve also used it to make both dinner rolls and a single loaf. Sweet Molasses Dinner Rolls: After the first rise, divide the dough into 8 (large), 12 (medium) or 18 (small) pieces. Shape each piece into a ball by stretching dough over itself and pinching the edges together, and place them i...

    Remember to use all ingredients in room temperature. Using vegan honey or maple syrup that is stored in the refrigerator? Wait at least 30 minutes after taking it out of the fridge for the ingredie...

    After cooled, store this sweet molasses bread in a bread keeper or any airtight recipient or sealed bag. It will keep soft and tender for about 4 to 5 days if stored correctly. To freeze this recipe, make sure the loaves are completely cooled before doing so. Use freezer-safe bags for the best result, sealing it before storing inside the freezer. I...

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  2. 2019年5月4日 · Outback Steakhouse bread is the signature bread served at the Outback Restaurant! Served on a cutting board with whipped butter these dark molasses rolls will compliment your steak dinner! This recipe makes 12 rolls just like the restaurant! US Customary - Metric.

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  3. 1. 重覆上面食譜第1至4個步驟,用粗粒小麥麵粉代替黑糖麵粉. 2. 將麵團分成兩份. 3. 在麵團表面掃上少許水,再灑上磨碎的麥皮或麵粉. 4. 將麵團放入已抹油的碗中,蓋上保鮮紙後,在35度下發酵1小時. 5. 放入預熱180°C的焗爐,焗15分鐘,即成(圖片來源:Youtube頻道「Sona Tina」影片截圖) 【Outback Bushman Bread】黑糖餐包|極簡單 零失敗 初手搓麵包 🚫免機器 No Machine パン 手作り. Watch on. 資料及圖片來源: Youtuber「Sona Tina」 、 「Sona Tina」facebook專頁. 黑糖麵包有什麼營養價值? 黑糖麵包營養價值比白麵包高,因為黑糖可補充…

  4. 2020年8月14日 · 黑糖麵包相信是OUTBACK的經典食物之一,最近大家常留在家,不如自己試試在家這款極簡單手搓麵包,只需要3大步驟,就能整到濃濃黑糖甜味,口感綿密的OUTBACK黑糖麵包。 除了蛋糕甜品之外,不妨試試自家製麵包啦! 這次分享的OUTBACK黑糖麵包食譜十分簡單,只需3個步驟便能還原這款經典餐包,大家不妨試試! Click圖睇所需材料: 第一步,先把所有材料充份混合,成為麵團。 然後放到枱上用手以由外向內的方式搓揉,令其自然形成麵筋。 Click圖睇詳細步驟: +8. 點擊圖片放大. 之後可用前後前後及V形的方式揉捏麵團至光滑,然後將其放入已抹油的碗中,蓋上保鮮紙後在28至30度下發酵1至2小時。 Click圖睇詳細步驟: +4. 點擊圖片放大.

  5. 2022年2月15日 · See how easy it is to make delicious Outback bread at home. Simple recipe and step by step instructions for tender sweet molasses brown bread.

  6. Recipe:160g Water (水)3g Yeast (酵母)40g Sugar (糖)40g Molasses (黑糖)250g Bread Flour (高筋麵粉)10g Coco Powder (可可粉)3g Salt (鹽)發酵二次 (2小時和1.5小時)Bake 30 mins ...

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