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  1. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 8 HAFS Performance for 2020 NATL Storms (03-30L) Track skill Intensity skill HWRF HF1A HF1B HF1J AVNO HAFS-B (global-nest) had the best track skill overall followed by

  2. 系集預報的應用翻轉了對颱風與豪雨定量 降水預報的傳統框架,而使得定量降水預 報技術的發展進入了一個全新的領域。. 52. 路徑預報誤差 • 導致實際降水熱區定 量降水預報的低估 • 非降水熱區有高估的 趨勢. 53. NORTH. Best SOUTH. 852. 884 400~700 ~400. 問題是 ...

  3. 108年天氣分析與預報研討會 中華民國108 年5 月14 日(星期二)至15 日(星期三) 台北世貿南港展覽館1 館,臺北市南港區經貿二路1號 主辦單位:交通部中央氣象局 協辦單位:中華民國氣象學會、國家災害防救科技中心

  4. ***** Following is a moment-tensor solution derived from inversion of CWBSN_BB waveforms. An image file containing all the used waveforms and misfit distribution with respect to depth. If you have any ...

  5. –EMC's goal also includes developing world's best extended range sub-seasonal and seasonal climate prediction models. –Development of a Unified Modeling System will enable a seamless unified earth system model that includes ocean, land, sea ice, ocean ...

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