雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年7月13日 · Shikoku's 88 Temple Pilgrimage is undoubtedly Japan's most famous Buddhist excursion. But the country has a few walking pilgrimages that are just as historic and beautiful, such as the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage. Take a look with us at a few of the temples in Chichibu and their understated beauty.

  2. 2019年5月31日 · Home. Full List: Japan’s UNESCO Shrines & Temples! amanaimages.com. Japan is home to thousands of historic shrines and temples, and quite a few of them are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Visiting these places offers a great insight into Japanese culture. Let’s take a look at where you can find these must-see destinations. 8.

  3. 2018年12月13日 · A secluded Buddhist sanctuary tucked away in the forest on top of a mountain, Koyasan is part of a wider UNESCO World Heritage Site that includes various pilgrimage routes and sacred sites in the Kii mountain range. It was established in 816 A.D. by Kobo Daishi, a prolific monk who was responsible for bringing Shingon Buddhism to Japan.

  4. 2018年1月10日 · While you won't see so much as a corner of a temple or shrine in a typical J-pop video, it seems that Japanese bands with an eye on going big abroad are keen to draw on Japan's most iconic architecture to instantly establish a visual message of who they are and where they're from.

  5. 2020年10月20日 · Mount Tsurugi, standing at 2,999 meters in the Northern Alps of central Japan, is considered one of the most challenging mountains to climb. A Shinto shrine in the area worships Mount Tsurugi as a god. Priests there were tasked with a longstanding mission to deliver holy stones to the summit. In late September, they began their journey.

  6. 2018年10月17日 · Shrines can be found just about everywhere in Japan. But shrines in Kyushu are special, because Kyushu is, according to legend, home to the first places where the Shinto gods descended to Earth. The following shrines mark five of Shintoism's most significant spots. 5. Aso Shrine (Kumamoto) http://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5066001/

  7. 2016年5月2日 · 現在天守閣已變成館山市立博物館分館,別名是八犬傳博物館,八犬傳是一本戰國時代的小說,記述戰國時代的寫實生活。 館山市立博物館本館在城下,而城堡周圍是公園,叫城山公園。 天氣好的話在天守閣上還會看到富士山。 - www.chiba-web.com (日文) 甲府城. http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/metorojapan/5721443.html. 從新宿坐上1.5小時左右電車就到這個位於山梨縣的甲府城。 甲府城建造於1580年代,在2006年被選定為日本100名城的25號城。 這個城周邊經歷了不少大興土木發展而除去了不少古堡的建築,連天守閣都被拆掉了。