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  1. hk.news.yahoo.comYahoo新聞

    以巴戰爭|加沙性暴力加劇 三歲女帳篷內染性病毒 香港護士赴戰區設診所救援︱YahooYahoo新聞報道】以巴戰爭爆發將近十個月,截至 7 月 24 日,加沙地區死亡人數超過 39000 人。不過,戰火除了為當地帶來傷亡外,更令性暴力問題加劇。

  2. A wrap-up of the day's top news. RTHK News website can cope with multi-platforms, including desktops, mobile phones, tablets and smartTV; Besides providing local and international news, the news ...

  3. The Standard is Hong Kong's biggest circulation free English daily newspaper. From the paper format to the latest digital format, it delivers the most updated news to readers round the clock, all ...

  4. 國際新聞、環球新聞不斷更新,多角度報道國際政治、環球經濟、體育娛樂、社會熱話,豐富分析及評論,盡在Yahoo香港新聞。

  5. 港聞 - Yahoo新聞. 焦點. 全民運動日2024丨康體設施8.4免費開放 即睇預訂場地日期及方法. 《Yahoo 新聞》報道 一個專頁睇晒. 器官捐贈|內地臍帶血運港 盧寵茂:冀跨境器官移植建恆常機制 兒童醫院早前接受由內地運送的一份臍帶血,為一名患有重型地中海貧血的5歲女童治療。 醫務衛生局局長盧寵茂今...

  6. Latest Hong Kong news, updates, opinions and analysis, including on Hong Kong politics, the national security law, economy, society and weather.

  7. 2024年7月19日 · Hong Kong stocks tumbled on Friday after China's third plenum announcement underwhelmed, with investors now awaiting further details about fiscal reforms and steps to boost growth in the world's second-largest economy. The Hang Seng Index fell 2 per cent to 17,417.68 at close of trade, bringing the week's losses to 4.8 per cent. The Hang Seng Tech Index dropped 2.1 per cent but the Shanghai ...

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