雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  2. www.hkjcdpri.org.hk › about-us-1About Us | HKJCDPRI

    Our Aims. We aim at building disaster resilience of Hong Kong through people-centred, all-hazards and multi-sectoral disaster risk reduction strategies based on informed understanding of disaster risks and solutions by:

  3. policybriefs. 30/10/2019. 此政策簡報屬香港災難防護應變教研中心五年計劃的相關研究項目,概述香港特別行政區現行三層式緊急事故及災難應變系統,又指出雖然香港過去曾受流行病威脅,公眾防護意識仍見薄弱,基本急救訓練及災難防護工作的參與度亦有不足。 此政策報告作者提出多項建議,鞏固災難防護系統,培訓具專業能力及知識的災難管理人才,從而減少不能預計災難帶來的損失及傷痛。 這些建議包括增強相關持分者制訂突發事故應變方案的參與度、為他們提供災難預防的知識及技術、向社會向界提供相關資訊、舉行災難演習,以及提供心理社會相關服務.

  4. 14 June, 2019 Friday. A Summary: Is Hong Kong a Disaster Resilient City? A megacity facing high risks from natural hazards. Megacities can be seriously susceptible to various natural hazards potentially posing negative impacts on human health, economy and sustainability.

  5. Harvard. massgathering. This case on stampedes is aimed at familiarizing students and practitioners of public health, disaster management, and urban planning with the risk of stampedes in mass gatherings. Stampedes and weather related events are the two greatest causes of mortality at mass gatherings.

  6. This policy brief examines and discusses the human health impacts of climate change in Hong Kong, and presents key recommendations to support resilience building for the health challenges posed by climate change for the decades to come.

  7. 雖然颱風季節已過,然而經歷過「山竹」吹襲的香港人怎能鬆懈?我們發現保護大廈的玻璃窗戶、電力不穩以及保護汽車免受洪水浸壞,成為大多香港人的防災重點。將來市民面對的颱風可能愈來愈強,大家必須汲取經驗,未雨綢繆持續學習。 香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心,邀請已退休的理大 ...

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