雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 獅子山 相關

  2. 預訂可享多達 5 折優惠. 預訂飯店、B&B 等各種類型住宿


  1. The Kwun Yum Temple is the most famous among the great number of them in the territory. It was built in 1873. In 1909, a road was constructed to connect Hung Hom with Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon City. When workers were digging in the hilly areas, red water spouted from the ground. It was rumoured that the vein of the dragon that inhabited in that ...

  2. 神祇介紹 天后 文昌 斗姆 太歲 五路財神 玉帝 北帝 車公 侯王 城隍 哪吒 洪聖 譚公 關帝 觀音 華人廟宇委員會並沒有授權任何第三方就其直接管轄的廟宇在香港以外的地方,進行任何商業性質的宣傳、推廣及銷售活動。

  3. Lin Fa Kung (literally means Temple of Lotus) in Tai Hang was protected as Declared Monument in 2014. It was probably constructed in 1863 for the worship of Kwun Yum, the Goddess of Mercy. Its architecture is unique and rare in Hong Kong. Although it has undergone several renovations, the core structure of the temple is still be conserved. Lin Fa Kung has close connection with the Tai Hang ...

  4. 全港共有24間委員會直轄廟宇,委員會一般會以投標方式外判廟宇的日常管理運作,獲得廟宇管理權的人士可於廟宇內售賣參神物品及提供祈福及功德法事等服務,但必須遵守與 ...

  5. 大坑蓮花宮於2014年被列為法定古蹟,位處銅鑼灣大坑區,建於同治二年(1863年)前,至少有150多年歷史。本廟建築風格獨特,全港獨一無二,前殿設地台及以石柱支撐,後半部座落於蓮花石上,傳說觀音曾在蓮花石上顯聖。開放時間:每天上午七時三十分至下午五時。

  6. 沙田車公廟由古廟及新建的車公殿兩部分組成。古廟最早見於嘉慶二十四年(1819年)記載,至少有200多年歷史,昔日廟處三河交匯之處,立於河邊以石橋連接。車公廟後枕神山,山上有祈雨石。新廟建築形制為仿中式一進,屋頂類型屬歇山式,正脊採平脊設計、入口類型為正牆凹入式。

  7. Kwun Yum or Kwun Sai Yum (觀世音) is known for centuries as a deity of sympathy, compassion and mercy, hearing the pleas of those who are suffering. She is worshipped by people of both the Taoist and Buddhist religions. Kwun Yum in the earlier times was a ...

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