雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 閱讀以下客戶的真實保險索償個案,了解我們是如何以客戶為先。. 保險索償個案 - 1. 食物中毒. 保險索償個案 - 2. 旅遊時突然中風. 保險索償個案 - 3. 外地公幹時遇上車禍. 保險索償個案 - 4. 滑雪意外.

  2. AIG旅遊智易保旅遊保險為你的旅程提供最周全的保障,是全港最佳旅遊保險計劃之一。 AIG旅遊智易保為您提供全面的旅遊保障,令您在海外旅遊時不用擔心因意外或疾病而引致的醫療費用。 甚至因行程取消、行程延誤、行李丟失或個人財物的損失,我們的旅遊保險均涵蓋以上的風險。 AIG自設專業及有效率的24小時緊急支援服務公司,擁有豐富臨床實踐經驗的全職醫療團隊(包括專業醫生及護士)。 當您身處海外,無論您需要緊急支援還是醫療建議,我們的團隊能夠即時在支援熱線中提供適當的意見及或在危機中即時調配人員前往協助。 我們的緊急支援團隊更精通40種不同語言,不論你身處任何地方,都能得到最適切及高效的支援。 24/7 全球自設緊急支援服務. 全面的醫療和人身意外保障. 外遊警示保障. 海外住院現金津貼.

  3. Directors and Officers Insurance in Asia Pacific. The need for D&O is growing rapidly in Asia. Jason Kelly explains why. In this brief video Jason Kelly,Head of Liabilities & Financial Lines Greater China & Australasia shares his insights on Directors and Officers Insurance in Asia Pacific including rising trends and the different needs of the ...

  4. 立即報價. 【心臟病】通波仔手術後一勞永逸? 手術後5項必注意. 通波仔是常見的心臟手術,作用為擴闊已收窄的心臟血管,減低心臟病發的風險。 然而完成通波仔手術後並非代表可以一勞永逸」,術後護理非常重要病人若沒有妥善護理及注意生活習慣血管有機會再度閉塞。 以下一文為大家整理了5項進行通波仔手術後的注意事項,教大家如何做好保養,立即閱讀,為術後作好準備。 心臟病|1. 必須遵照醫生的指示定期服藥. 病人在進行通波仔手術後務必跟隨醫生指示服用處方藥物,包括服食抗血小板藥,抗血小板藥能抑制血小板活動能力,預防在通波仔手術後放置的血管支架出現血栓,形成血管封堵,引發心臟病。

    • About Us
    • What We Provide
    • Our Brand

    Drawing on nine decades of local experience and AIG's international presence in approximately 70 countries and jurisdictions, AIG Hong Kong (AIG Insurance Hong Kong Limited) offers a wide range of insurance products for individuals, families, small businesses and multinationals. No risk is too small or too big. To ensure that all customers receive ...

    At AIG, we take on our clients’ challenges and goals. Whether the need is as fundamental as insuring a first home or as complex as providing environmental coverage, our priority is to provide clients with the confidence they need to prosper. Inherent in every policy we write is our commitment to deliver what matters most to our clients when they ne...

    The AIG brand affirms the importance of our roots as one of the world’s leading insurance organizations. Our name and identity convey our continued commitment to earning trust through innovation. We remain focused on developing new products and managing risk and scale, based on insights derived from an expanded geographic reach that meets client ne...

  5. Designed to meet the management liability needs of public companies in Hong Kong. Advancement of legal defence costs. Coverage includes company's securities claims arising out of sale or purchase of company's own securities. Employment practice liability cover for the companies, directors and officers. Covers losses arising from claims made ...

  6. 前列腺癌為本港男性癌性第四位殺手,根據香港癌症資料統計中心數字顯示,2019年共錄得2532宗新症 1 ,而個案數字幾乎每年上升。 前列腺癌在香港十分普遍,然而由於早期症狀並不明顯,導致很多人都會忽略其患病風險。 到底患上前列腺癌有何先兆及病徵? 存活率高嗎? 以下一文將會整理前列腺癌相關資訊,讓大家了解更多。 1衛生署衛生防護中心 https://www3.ha.org.hk/cancereg/tc/ 前列腺癌有什麼先兆? 前列腺是男性的生殖腺,負責製造液體與精子混和成為精液,前列腺液是精液的重要成分。 而前列腺癌是前列腺細胞異常生長而成的癌症,大多於50歲以上病發。 前列腺癌細胞生長緩慢,病發初期先兆並不明顯,患者甚至不會察覺。 前列腺癌的成因和病徵.

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