雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 8 Things to Keep in Mind While Visiting CMCTRs. 求診人士應準時到達診所,以減低人流聚集的情況。. Patients should arrive CMCTR punctually to avoid overcrowding in waiting areas. 求診人士須於應診/治療、取藥及相關預約程序後,立即離開診所。. Patients should leave CMCTR immediately after attending ...

  2. 針灸與得氣. 很多病人都知道針灸的治療效果不錯,但是卻沒有勇氣去試,原因除了是害怕針刺入皮膚的痛楚外,其實還有就是害怕施針後醫師進行運針所出現的「得氣」感覺。. 到底什麼是「得氣」是什麼一回事,病人又為何如此抗拒?. 更多.

  3. Chinese Medicine Research Practical Training Programme (2016/2017) To align with Government’s policy, Hospital Authority Chinese Medicine Department (HACMD) has been providing research training courses for CMPs to enhance their basic knowledge since 2009. Building up a pool of trainers, including CMPs and administrators, with the knowledge ...

  4. 2024年18區中醫診所夏季三伏天灸的安排. 全港18區中醫診所暨教研中心(中醫診所)是由醫院管理局、非政府機構及本地大學以三方協作模式營運,並由非政府機構負責日常運作,為市民提供中醫服務。. 18區中醫診所將於2024年夏季提供三伏天灸服務,詳情請參閱 ...

  5. 2017年9月5日 · 衛生護理. 產婦每次哺乳前要用溫開水清洗乳房,乳頭及洗手避免嬰兒吮入不潔之物。 保持心情開朗. 乳母要保持心情開朗,有信心能餵哺孩子,另亦要有充足睡眠,勞逸結合,才能確保乳汁通暢。 飲食調理.

  6. Methdology and Tools. This section introduces commonly used methods and tools for clinical research in both Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine.

  7. Government Subsidised Chinese Medicine Services. Background. Target Patients. Scope of Service. Fees & Charges. Appointment Booking.