雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 通過 Klook 以優惠價預訂香港喜來登酒店自助餐及下午茶 咖啡廳 The Café自助餐 Buffet,享受多款國際佳餚和特色亞洲美饌!咖啡廳 The Café提供自助午餐 Lunch Buffet、自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet,有多款沙律、冷盤、甜品及雪糕等!

    • (216)
  2. 湯崎.湯泉生活TENZ (福田口岸店) 4.4. (281則評價) 5K+ 人參加過. 廣東省深圳市福田區國花路港城華庭裙樓一層至五層. 加入我的最愛. 查看圖片. HK$ 106HK$ 108. 至少提前一天購買,購買當天不可使用,次日起有效期內使用.

    • (268)
  3. 探索熱門旅遊推薦景點,帶你走訪當地最熱門的景點勝地,預訂全球超過300個以上的目的地行程。 Klook客路提供你最優惠價格的景點門票、一日遊行程與當地交通,立即線上預訂,立刻出票,現場免排隊直接入場。

  4. 城市交通香港至佛山(環島). HK$ 105HK$ 110. 目前不提供此活動. 發掘佛山市地道活動. 巴士往返香港市區至廣東佛山,盡享便捷的跨境服務. 香港及佛山多個上車點可選,按自己的需求靈活選擇. 全程乘坐舒適的空調巴士,體驗放鬆舒適的的乘車體驗. 便捷舒適地 ...

    • Offer 1: Hk$500-Hk$20
    • Offer 2: HK$20 Mainland Spending Reward
    • Reward 3: $0 Handling Fees

    Accessing the selected Online travelling merchants channel (QR code/ hyperlink) to Brand Channels, to receive one HK$20 AlipayHK Coupon. Coupons are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Ea...

    Users with a single net spending of HK$500 or above via websites or mobile app of the selected online travelling merchants and choosing AlipayHK as the payment option shall be entitled to a “HK$20...

    Using Ant Bank PayLater , Bank of China Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card installment payment option via AlipayHK on designated merchants' online stores or mobile applications (APP), fo...

  5. Find discounted attraction tickets, tours with unique experiences, and more! Join local day tours to visit spectacular sights and go on delicious food trips around the city. Upon landing at the airport, we've got all kinds of transfers available for you. Discover and book amazing travel experiences with Klook!

  6. 輕鬆探索各地玩樂體驗,從熱門景點門票、一日遊、獨特體驗到當地交通、飯店住宿、租車等,盡情在Klook發掘全球或國內各種新奇有趣的玩樂方式,讓你盡享歡笑,探索與眾不同的玩樂世界!

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