雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 越南簽證 相關



  1. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  2. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a

  3. This law course will help to understand underlying principles governing armed conflicts, also known as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It enables a careful evaluation of the various IHL rules intended to protect victims, such as civilians and prisoners of war, as well as wounded and sick during armed conflict.

  4. 2019年1月14日 · 惡劣環境容易引致傳染病爆發的風險;而防災設施不足,令居民在危急情況下未能適當自救。. 教研中心與「 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 」合作,邀請光板田村寮屋居民共同設計和執行防災活動。. 其中,村民在計劃的支持下,選舉及組織村內的防火及衞生大使 ...

  5. Photo by ray sangga kusuma on Unsplash. 義工提供的服務非常多元化,從前線服務至後勤支援,從組織服務至專業領域支援等,給予香港社會及受助人士莫大的支持,並能填補現時社會服務和人員的不足。. 除了以個人身份參與義務工作外,很多企業也有組織義工隊,回饋 ...

  6. www.hkjcdpri.org.hk › zh › textsizewww.hkjcdpri.org.hk


  7. Programme book_2022-FINAL

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