雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在全球化時代傳染病擴散的速度要比以往快得多因此要加強公共衛生的研究還要在研究疫苗和特效藥方面投資做好公共和個人防禦以及醫療機構防治傳染病對策同時還要加強海陸空邊境上的檢疫加強疫情監測與邊境管制措施

  2. 2022年6月29日 · 從魅力度排行的變化我們可以發現,其他各地市鎮近年在疫情影的影響下,雖然一度讓觀光旅遊產業的發展腳步受創且停滯不前,但隨著疫苗接踵率提升,還有「與病毒共存」的呼聲日漸提高,日本各地市鎮也不再放慢腳步僅是原地等待疫情過去,開始善用自身條件,發展出適合後疫情時代的觀光 ...

  3. 自從2020新冠肺炎COVID-19疫情延燒全世界各國為了防止疫情擴大都設立了入境管制至今已經近三年未能自由前往日本觀光但隨著各國疫苗施打率提高加上連年大幅下降的觀光經濟困擾下近日日方已宣布6/10起開放一般觀光旅行團入境日本而想必開放自由行的時機應該也相去不遠了開啟日本最當道的融入自然旅行模式前讓我們先來了解一下有關日本貼近自然的旅遊型態有哪些! 在後疫情時代,究竟觀光旅行會產生什麼轉變,實在令人好奇?

  4. 2020年5月8日 · In order to help mitigate the economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, the Japanese government has announced that every resident in Japan will be eligible to claim the ¥100,000 relief, and that it will not be based on age, nationality, or income. If you are not a Japanese citizen, you must be a resident of Japan.

  5. 日本YAHOO提供的免費共用空間「LODGE」併設的食堂「BASE17」,雖只在平日提供午餐,同樣也經營有提供輕食的咖啡廳「CAMP17」。非YAHOO員工想進入這個免費空間,得需要先申請Yahoo! JAPAN的帳號,進入指定系統後會得到一組編碼,於18樓受付的櫃台進行掃描後,便能取得一日通行證

  6. 2020年6月22日 · Technology Smartphones Stay Home. The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The smartphone app called COCOA records contact when someone else with the app installed stays within a distance of one meter (about 3.3 feet) for 15 minutes or more.

  7. 2019年9月3日 · All travelers with IC passports arriving at Narita Airport’s Terminal 3 can use the electronic customs declaration gate! Previously the system had been in place for limited users as a test run, but now it's being rolled out for public use. Simply use a smartphone app instead of a form, scan a QR code, and you could get through the gate in ...

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