雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 得成僱傭中心. 「得成僱傭中心」全港最多 外籍家庭傭工 的介紹中心;海外特設培訓中心,專人長註菲律賓、印尼、泰國、斯里蘭卡及孟加拉,嚴格挑選質素合格外傭。. 「得成」擁有超過30年介紹海外僱傭的經驗,服務超過200,000家庭,6間分行遍佈香港、九龍 ...

  2. 『得成僱傭中心』為僱主提供一條龍優質及專業海外僱傭服務;由簡單線上提出徵求、條件配對篩選、安排與外傭視像或實體面試、處理合約及簽證事宜、安排傭工體檢、接送到港家傭入住『得成』宿舍、協助外傭到領事館報到和辦理香港身份證、在港驗身、職前

  3. 得成僱傭 安心聘用,得成女傭 融入家中|得成共有6間分行遍佈香港、九龍、新界|專業 優質 可靠|得成僱傭中心

  4. 香港首間僱傭公司榮獲ISO國際品質管理以確保服務質素及私隱保密達至國際級管理標準。

  5. In order to ensure the quality of the domestic helpers, TECHNIC has set up overseas training centers, delegated specialists are stationed in Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to select candidates seriously. TECHNIC has been established for more than 30 years in providing domestic services.

  6. 如欲查詢續保事項,可致電「得成僱傭中心」 客戶服務部 2233 4343 客戶只須於保單到期日前確保即享保費九折優惠。詳情請向「得成僱傭中心」 查詢。 1. 請即簽妥續保通知書並連同個別劃線支票,抬頭祈付: 得成僱傭中心有限公司(TECHNIC Employment

  7. Company Background - History. [Technic Employment Service Centre Limited], an agency with the most foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong. In order to ensure the quality of the domestic helpers, TECHNIC has set up overseas training centers; delegated specialists are stationed in Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to ...

  8. Employer Registration. You prefer which branch to serve you? 您希望哪分行為您服務? Willing to have face-to-face online interview with candidates? 願意與應徵者進行面對面的在線面試?

  9. 以往受僱為傭 紀錄 Previous Employment as a Domestic Helper (Summary) 作地點 Country (1) Malaysia (2) Hong Kong (3) 年期 Years (1) 3 years (2) 3 months (3) 擅 技能 Special Abilities (1) Baby Care (2) Child Care (3) Elderly Care (4) Cooking 試評價 差

  10. api-empsysv3.technic.com.hk › v3 › pdfKCG285XC 料

    KCG285XC. 以 往 受 僱僱 為為 傭 工 紀 錄. Previous Employment as a Domestic Helper. (1) 工作地點Location 由From. Philippines. 主要工作. Job Description. 照顧嬰嬰兒. Care of Baby.

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