雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1.入場費較低. 租客一般只需向業主預繳2個月租金作按金和1個月租金作上期,俗稱「兩按一上」,亦無需承擔房屋各項費用,包括維修費、保養費以及電器安裝費,變相資金儲備不必如買樓的多,入場門檻較低。 2.租期彈性高. 在「死約」過後,一般只需1個月通知即可終止租約,因此租客可按自身經濟狀況、喜好或其他因素移居心儀住所,彈性較買樓高。 3.靈活資產配置. 由於無需一筆過繳交巨額首期,租客故可將資金分散投資在不同產品身上,適合對投資具備心得的人士,靈活運用手頭上的資金。 提防陰濕位! 5大租屋注意事項. 租樓注意事項一:搵樓途徑. 市面上的租盤分為業主盤和代理盤。

  2. 選購現成傢俬. 訂造傢俬耗時又昂貴,安裝時亦可能要收取額外費用,想盡量減低裝修報價單上的金額,不妨考慮選用一些現成傢俬。 其實很多傢俬舖都有各式富有時尚品味的商品可供選擇,無需擔心找不到合適風格的傢俱。 再者,選用現成傢俬更可於無需大手改動家中格局下,因應潮流和喜好,隨時改變家居風格。 裝修報價單3大注意位. 雖然精明裝修攻略可為您減低超支危機,但仍不是萬全之策。 如果想進一步避免裝修超支,甚或爛尾的情況,就要在閱讀裝修報價單時,密切留意以下事項。 要點一:細閱裝修報價表. 詳細列出各項工程. 各項工程數量. 各項工程單價. 分項合計. 工程總計. 人工/物料收費計算方式. 付款方式. 合約條款. 工期.

  3. 立即網上申請. 貸款無需證明文件,為無憂喝采! 來邦民貸款,只需身份證及手提電話 # ,無論Freelancer或老闆都借得 ,免卻煩憂,現金輕鬆到手。 立即網上申請. 轉數快極速過數 ,為機遇喝采! 要把握到最佳時機,最緊要快! 一經批核,邦民用轉數快極速過數,何時何地,現金瞬間到手 ^ ! 立即網上申請. 全城驚喜, 實際年利率低至1.12%! 邦民超低息貸款,助你輕鬆周轉,減省利息支出。 請即. 了解更多 詳情! 立即網上申請. 邦民總動員為你打氣! 獎賞再創新高! 新客戶成功貸款,獎現金高達$15,000 ! 立即 了解詳情 ! 立即網上申請. 24小時網上申請貸款 ⦿ ,為生活喝采!

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  4. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  5. Technical Support. It is our pleasure to assist you! If you have further questions, or you cannot find the answers here, please contact our customer service representative at 3199 1199 or click here to contact us. Any doubt towards the loan application? Promise can help! Get a Personal Loan in only three steps.

  6. If you have further questions, or you cannot find the answers here, please contact our customer service representative at 3199 1199 or click here to contact us. Having technical troubles in managing your member accounts or applying for loans? Promise is here to help! Loan is transferred instantly upon approval! Learn more now.

  7. It is our pleasure to assist you! If you have further questions, or you cannot find the answers here, please contact our customer service representative at 3199 1199 or click here to contact us. Get a loan online without documents, subject to your circumstances. Apply online and get approved anytime. Learn more now!

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