雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 分數範圍 : 12 - 13. 課程宗旨. 本課程為學生投身建築界擔任技術、督導及管理崗位作好準備,並以備他們繼續進修成為專業人士。. 本課程著重通識教育、語文訓練、全人發展和職場工作體驗,為學生畢業後繼續升學或就業作更佳裝備。. 專業認可. 本課程備受 ...

  2. Articulation. Graduates may apply for admission to the following courses: BEng (Hons) in Building Sciences and Engineering (Building Services Engineering) offered by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. BEng (Hons) in Building Engineering (Building Services Engineering) offered by the City University of Hong Kong.

  3. 課程編號 EG314105. 所有學生須修讀全人發展單元並取得合格,方可畢業。. 如學生已累積不少於兩年全職工作經驗 (由達到高級文憑課程入學要求起計算),可申請「豁免修讀」,並進行評核。. 若取得及格成績,便能豁免修讀相關單元。. 詳情請按 此處 。. 如學生 ...

  4. 機電業及建造業 | 高級文憑. 香港建造業發展持續蓬勃,於各類型基建、樓宇建造、維修保養及重建項目帶動下,業界對機電及建造人才需求殷切,為年輕人創造發展機遇。. 涵蓋行業範疇:. 土木工程. 建築學. 電機工程. 機械工程. 屋宇裝備工程. 有學有賺.

  5. Telephone No.: 2256 7500. E-mail Address: st-eng@vtc.edu.hk. Programme Aims. The programme aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to pursue a career in the Building Services Engineering Industry.

  6. The programme aims to prepare students for technical, supervisory and managerial positions in the building industry. It aims to equip students with knowledge and skills required in the workplace, and to provide them with a foundation for personal development and further studies in the related occupational fields.

  7. 畢業生可在建造業內擔任技術工程師、助理工程師、項目統籌、項目主任、工地監督或技術主任等職位,並可繼續進修成為專業人士。. 銜接安排. 畢業生可報讀本地及海外大學相關學位課程。. 為鼓勵終生學習,職業訓練局轄下的才晉高等教育學院,聯同澳洲 ...