雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 川根本町位於靜岡縣中部,南阿爾卑斯的大井川下游,全域面積中以94%為森林所覆蓋,成為本州島唯一一個原生自然環境保護區,並被聯合國教科文組織錄入為生態公園名錄之一,更於2009年被選為日本100個最佳鄉村之一。. 行駛於靜岡縣中央,沿著大井川橫跨 ...

  2. 2022年9月1日 · 陶淵明在《桃花源記》中描述到「忽逢桃花,夾岸數百步,中無雜,芳草鮮美,落英繽紛」,而世界知名的日本導演黑澤明,在1990年執導的電影《夢》第八則夢境片段中,便以長野縣安曇野市「水車」呈現出世外桃源,此拍攝地也因此聞名日本全國。

  3. 體驗木精靈們的生活 — 北輕井澤SWEET GRASS度假村. 冬天,寂靜的山間雪地,偶爾飛過一隻冬鳥,不知名的小動物留下一串串腳印。. 這片土地屬於一對夫婦,他們的願望是把自然的美世世代代流傳下去,於是便有了這樣一個樂園,每天為人民帶來歡聲笑語和不一 ...

  4. 2020年3月2日 · Happo-en is a hidden gem featuring a traditional tea house, koi pond, bonsai, cherry trees, and everything else a Japanese garden should have. In fact, the scenery is so serene and picturesque that over 2,000 marriages occur here.

  5. 2016年5月19日 · Signed thank-you illustrations can be found in spots around town, and Miyazaki even helped design the restoration of Onfunayado Iroha, the historic building that served as the place where negotiations for reparations took place after Japan’s first naval incident, the sinking of a borrowed warship, the Iroha-maru.

  6. 2017年11月1日 · In Japan, cherry trees, or sakura, are the rock stars of the plant kingdom. But just as some music acts draw larger crowds than others, these three sakura are considered to be the absolute peak of the pink-flowered crowd.

  7. 2018年1月1日 · Hakone 'yosegi zaiku' is a kind of woodworking technique typically used to make puzzle boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms. Not only do they make a great gift—at the Hakone Trick Museum you can even make one of your own!

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