雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 何時減息: 美聯儲和歐洲央行可能從年中開始一起減息。 偏好環球股票: 我們看好美國和日本市場。在亞洲,我們超配南韓、印度和台灣股票。 留意收息機會: 我們仍然認為環球債券具吸引力,但收益率跌幅可能少過先前預期。 參閲最新市場展望報告以了解更多環球市場觀點。

  2. 1 天前 · 啟動電子錢包並加入您的卡,過程簡單容易,輕鬆辦妥。. 除了能將所有卡集中在一個地方,電子錢包還可以讓您隨時隨地使用Apple Pay、Android Pay或是Samsung Pay,付款購物更加方便快捷。. 電子錢包改變您的付款方式,令日常付款過程更簡單便利。. 只需要一phone在 ...

  3. 渣打銀行的支援中心為您提供各項信用卡常見問題、指引及提示,助您找出所需的銀行資訊。 您可以登入網上理財或SC Mobile查閱您的信用卡交易。 網上理財: 按「戶口總覽」並選擇要查看的信用卡。 您可於此頁面上閱覽信用卡賬戶90天內之交易紀錄。

    • Appointed
    • Experience
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Judy was appointed CEO, Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB) in January 2021 and has been a member of the Group Management Team since 2018.

    Judy’s banking career spans more than 30 years, including various leadership roles in Asia with global, regional and market responsibilities. She has deep experience in retail banking, wealth management and in developing affluent client strategies and is passionate about building diverse teams to drive resilience, adaptability and innovation.

    Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed Regi...

    Judy was appointed to the board of CapitaLand Limited as a non-executive and independent director in May 2021.

  4. 優惠1:HK$100即時折扣. 單一淨額簽賬滿 HK$500,可享HK$100即時折扣。. 每星期名額:4月160個及5月140個。. 優惠1及2之優惠碼於首8個星期一00:00開放使用。. 為免存疑,開放最後優惠碼的星期一為2024年5月20日。. 名額有限,先用先得,用完即止。. 請先領取優惠碼並於 ...

  5. 若您的信用卡在國外不慎遺失或被竊,而仍需繼續使用信用卡時,請儘速辦理掛失手續,並表明欲申請「緊急替代卡」意願,本行會與國外製卡機構聯繫。而後,國外製卡機構會立刻與持卡人聯絡(約1~2個工作天),並告知取卡時間、地點與方式。

  6. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。