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  4. 都市人生活忙碌,工作經常早出晚歸,聘請家傭打理家務及照顧家中老幼十分普遍。中銀集團保險瞭解您的需要,特別呈獻「智幫手家傭保障計劃」,為您及受聘的外籍家傭、本地家務助理或陪月員提供妥善的家庭傭工保障。外籍家傭更可附加特色「自選升級保障」,令您任何時刻都安心無憂。

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  6. Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (“BOCG Insurance”) is delighted to present Healthy Medical Comprehensive Protection (“the Plan”) that offers you and your family a comprehensive medical protection. The Plan is an individual comprehensive medical insurance plan and puts three basic benefits including Hospital and Surgical ...

  7. HOME INSURANCE CLAIM FORM. 索償步驟: Claim procedure: 1) 請填妥及簽署此索償表格;2 )提供證明文件;3 )於7天內郵寄至:香港德輔道中 71 號永安集團大廈八樓. 1) Complete and sign this form; 2) relevant supporting document; 3) Mail to 8/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong within 7 days. 各部 ...

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