雅虎香港 搜尋


      • 如果想表达搬进新家怎么说呢?可以使用词组move into,有迁入新居的意思。 所以搬进新家就可以说:moving into a new house 例句: The first thing I would do when I move into a new house is clean it from top to bottom. 搬家的时候,我第一件会做的事情就是把家里从头到尾 (from top to bottom)清理一遍。
  1. 2019年3月19日 · 今天來學一些關於搬家的英文句子。 *move house/ move home搬家. *relocate也是搬遷;迫遷. *move in遷入. *move out遷出. *tenant房客;佃戶;承租人;住戶,居住者. *I am moving house. 我要搬家了。 *Where are you moving to? 你搬去哪裡? *Our neighbors are moving out. 我們的鄰居就要搬走了。 *When can you move in? 你甚麼時候可以搬進來? *The sitting tenants of the building refused to be relocated. 那幢大樓的住戶不肯搬走。 43. 8 shares.

  2. 2019年6月19日 · 搬家不能说moving home,可以直接说move,或是moving house. 例句: Have you been there since Harry moved? 自从哈利搬走后,你有去过那里吗? 注意: 日常中一般用move这个动词就可以表达搬家,moving house虽然有搬家的意思,但一般指的是搬家公司提供的搬家服务哦~ 搬进新家要说moving into a new house. 如果想表达搬进新家怎么说呢?可以使用词组move into,有迁入新居的意思。 所以搬进新家就可以说:moving into a new house. 例句:

  3. Check '搬屋' translations into English. Look through examples of 搬屋 translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

  4. someone who helps people move their possessions to a different place to live or work. (furniture) remover phrase UK. a person or company who helps people to move their furniture and other possessions when they move to a new home: I've just been watching the furniture removers come and go in the street.

  5. Home, sweet home. With so much hard work, you finally have such a lovely place of your own. Congrats and wish you and your family a happy life. May your new home brings your more joy and reduce your pressure in everyday life. Let’s make it a precious memory of own heart. 相信你已經爲入住新屋準備好了吧! 加上我們的入伙禮物,相信能更添溫馨。 新居入夥快樂! 期待你的新家能爲你帶來更多快樂並帶走更多壓力! 新屋入伙快樂!

  6. 搬家英文翻譯: move house; move 短語和例子他是來幫我們搬家…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋搬家英文發音英文單字怎麽用英語翻譯搬家搬家的英語例句用法和解釋

  7. 搬家 verb. + Add translation. Chinese-English dictionary. move. verb. to change residence [..] 下這麼大的雨,也幫我們 搬家 ,他人真好! How kind of him to help us move on such a rainy day! en.wiktionary.org. move house. verb. change place of residence [..] 我們去年 搬家 了。 We moved house last year. omegawiki. removal. noun. 就任旅费、面试旅费、 搬家 费和家庭用具装运保险费。