雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong has been operating a Social Enterprise, namely Bright Services Company Limited ( BS ) for 20 years, committed to the development of an inclusive and safe society by providing the ex-offenders and other socially disadvantaged people employment and training opportunities so as to facili...

  2. 公司名稱 *. 服務類別 *. 辦公室 店舖 酒店及服務式住宅 商業大廈. 服務計劃 *. 深層潔淨/ 裝修後清潔 起漬+洗地打蠟 特效無臭滅蟲 ZOONO 長效消毒抗菌塗層服務. 傳真號碼. 客戶姓名 *. 聯絡電話 *. 服務地址 *.

  3. Established in 1997, BS has been operating to provide millions of corporates and households excellent services. The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong has been operating a Social Enterprise, namely Bright Services Company Limited ( BS ) for over 18 years, committed to the development of an inclusive and safe society by ...

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  4. 2017年5月31日 · 「明朗服務」是香港善導會轄下的社企,自2009年開始運作,除了糉子製作外,亦會派導師到懲教院所教年輕囚友製糉。 明朗副總經理阮倩雅表示,公司希望製造工作機會予弱勢人士,亦希望更生人士從中學習正確的工作態度。 她續說,至今已聘請過30多名更生人士,並鼓勵更生人士學會技能後重投社會工作。 資料來源 : 明報新聞網. 關於明朗. 我們提供多元化的工種給予弱勢社群如更生人士、精神病康復者、低收入人士等,令他們能重返社會。 人手包糉已買少見少,能想像一個23歲年輕小伙子是一位包糉的「師傅仔」嗎?

  5. At Bright Services we offer professional deep, post renovation and move in cleaning services. Over 17 years we have served over thousands households, always aiming to provide high quality home and cleaning services. Our focus is on providing the results our customers desire and we always try to better ourselves in everything we do.

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  6. Your Reliable Partner. Our 20 years of experience and large domestic network allow us to provide superior residential moving services. Our domestic moves are packed using the same high standards as our team at both origin and destination ensure that consistent service levels are maintained throughout your move. Ethical Consumption.

  7. 2019年3月22日 · 主頁. 新聞中心. 媒體到訪甦爐在香港花卉展覽的咖啡閣. 最新消息、媒體報導 22 Mar,2019. 有幸獲媒體(商業電台、巴士的報、香港商報、南華早報、AM730、蘋果日報)代表到訪甦爐在香港花卉展覽的咖啡閣,一同賞花嘆茶。 懲教署高級監督(更生事務)林賜良先生和順聯控投 (香港)有限公司曾穎偉先生亦到場分享「甦爐」的民、官、商合作理念, 讓各傳媒代表更了解如何透過針對性計劃協助年青更生人士重返社會, 推動公眾支持更生的重要。 關於明朗. 我們提供多元化的工種給予弱勢社群如更生人士、精神病康復者、低收入人士等,令他們能重返社會。 有幸獲媒體(商業電台、巴士的報、香港商報、南華早報、AM730、蘋果日報)代表到訪甦爐在香港花卉展覽的咖啡閣.

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