雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Complaint Hotline: 2996 2600. Online instant processing from a leading lending company - Get your 2nd mortgage in a day. 24 hours approval, all property types and age welcome.

  2. 2024年6月30日前成功申請即獲HK$10,000獎賞 ! 啟動樓按Fast Pass步驟 : 1. 立即進行物業估價. 2. 提供簡單資料. 3. 即時獲取您專屬的貸款額及利率. * 批核之貸款額和貸款計劃,需視乎物業種類及個別情況。 本公司保留一切最終批核之決定權。 ^批核結果只作參考用途。 須受條款及細則約束。 按此參閱獎賞之條款及細則. 立即申請. 條款及條件. 私隱政策. 超連結政策.

  3. 申請一按或二按以充分利用還款假期. 還款假期. $0 手續費. 每年2個月唞一唞. * 根據本公司 8/12/2020資料搜集, 本按揭產品與本港主要放債人比較為全港首家。. # 新客戶獲成功批核按揭貸款後可隨時享用還款假期,請致電2996 2688 查詢。. 按 此 瀏覽還款假期之條款 ...

  4. 新鴻基信貸循環貸款,24小時批核 - 備用現金戶口隨時借、隨時還.免入息證明 - 不設固定還款期 彈性更高循環貸款為客戶提供預先批核的信貸額度,您可重複提取資金,助你應付日常開支或管理現金流。利息以每日計算,未使用的信貸限額將不會收取任何利息,並且於每次還款時自動恢復信貸額度。

  5. 立即體驗網上即時批核服務,二按最快1日現金到手,KO周轉煩惱。不限物業類型及樓齡. 24小時批核。© 版權所有 新鴻基信貸有限公司 2024 不得轉載 放債人牌照號碼: 0848/2023

  6. SHK Credit offers a "Bridging Loan Fast Pass" to help individuals quickly access funds by cashing out their existing properties and obtaining real-time property valuations and mortgage amounts for desired properties. With no limitation on the loan amount and the ...

  7. Sun Hung Kai Credit Limited ("Company") will receive applications for the“Payment Holiday Mortgage Repayment Plan”starting from today onwards. The plan is only available to eligible customers. Eligible customers are (subject to the Company's right of final determination) those whose tenure for repayment of the Mortgage loan are 24 months or ...

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