雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 提供成田國際機場內餐廳・商店資訊。可以從商店類別、營業時間、付費方式、服務・特色來搜尋特定餐廳・商店。

  2. 本店備有波天久原創「MODERN雜樣煎菜餅」,大阪具有代表性美食「章魚小丸子」,乾炸雞塊聖地大分中津「森山」乾炸雞塊等豐富菜餚。 ※直接谘詢商店相關過敏資訊請。

  3. About the store. We offer a variety of foods well suited for in-flight snacks such as fresh rice balls and bread, made from only the finest and freshest ingredients in high quality food production settings. Restaurants and Shops. This page provides information on 7-Eleven Terminal1 in Narita Airport.

  4. 提供成田國際機場內UNIQLO Terminal1相關資訊。 營業時間:07:30-21:00,地點:T1 中央大樓 / 4F / 安檢前,電話號碼:0476331917

  5. 服務・設施詳情 行李暫時寄存. 行李暫時寄存. 查看一覽. 費用根據行李大小分為三種 (、中、大)。. 各店收費不同,詳情請向店裡諮詢。. 還有衣服寄放服務。.

  6. 打包區/行李秤. 查看一覽. 為行李箱和手提行李進行整理或重新裝箱時歡迎利用。. 另外有附設行李秤,旅客可以自行檢查行李重量。.

  7. The period from the time of initial use until 12 midnight on the same day is calculated as 1 day and additional charges will apply for use beyond that. Example: If items areplaced in the locker at 09:00 p.m.and taken out at 01:00 a.m.the next day,the user will be charged for two days. Small baggage: 400 JPY per day.