雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 慎防下載假冒流動應用程序,避免被虛假或木馬程序盜取登入資料。 不要複製和安裝不確定來源的流動應用程序。 請注意,您只應該在您無法使用Google Play 時透過此銀行網頁下載APK 檔案。

  2. With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.

  3. 推廣期9月12日至9月30日內如有任何剩餘優惠限額,將會撥入推廣期10月1日至10月31日內。. 所有合資格簽賬 (以交易日計算,定義見條款15) 必須於推廣期內進行。. 推廣僅適用於商戶旗下之The Club購物及獎賞平台 (shop.theclub.com.hk) 及The Club手機應用程式 (統稱「The Club ...

  4. 1. Login to the Citi Mobile® App and select “Citi PayAll” 2. Make a new payment and choose the purpose of payment. 3. Select your payment frequency. 4. Enter your payment amount and bill payment date. 5. Select your preferred card and pick whether to earn rewards for this payment. 6.

  5. 日日買日日都有得賺!. 憑Citi HKTVmall信用卡喺HKTVmall超級市場買精選貨品滿HK$300,. 即賞您高達 15%獎賞。. 今日買完,聽日又可以再掃貨,賺盡精彩著數. 日日享高達15%獎賞. - 於HKTVmall購買約3,000 超級市場 熱門貨品滿HK$300可享. 10% Mall Dollar 回贈. - 星期三/四/五額外 ...

  6. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you. You’ll now have greater flexibility at your fingertips, with personalized views and new features designed to be quick and hassle-free. Everything at a glance. Quick account updates.

  7. 只要用Citi PayAll繳交指定嘅賬單類別 *,例如稅款、保險費用等,就可透過Citi Mobile ® App申請簽賬/賬單「分期更好使」計劃 ^。. 還款期長達48個月,更可享額外獎賞! * 簽賬/賬單「分期更好使」計劃只適用於以Citi PayAll繳交指定之賬單類別,包括稅款、保險費用 ...