雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 瀏覽所有關於貸款申請﹑利息手續費﹑審批及過數﹑循環貸款及還款的常見問題,讓您了解更多,並解答您對申請私人貸款的疑問,助您立即處理現金週轉問題。.

  2. 邦民仔細聽. 只要您有需要,無論任何疑惑困難,邦民都會仔細傾聽,致力幫您解決問題。 今次由邦民仔作為代表,聆聽顧客訴求同需要,協助並提供每位所需。 以下特別揀選不同個案,同大家一齊聆聽各個故事,讓您感受我們細膩親切的服務態度。 了解更多. 邦民仔細聽︰周轉即刻轉! 立即申請. 邦民日本財務公司的私人貸款服務方便稱心,由1992年開業至今,豐富經驗,成為深受香港人信賴的財務公司。 網上申請簡易快捷,私人貸款一批瞬間過數,立即申請!

  3. 貸款產品資料概要: 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定: 貸款額:HK$200,000 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計)

  4. 買二手車流程6大步驟. 第一步:揀選心水車盤. 透過車行經紀或私人放售,挑選心儀二手車盤。 而經車行/代理放盤的話,一般都會提供保養及售後服務。 第二步:預約睇車及驗車. 鎖定目標後,就可以與賣家聯絡,預約睇車。 睇車時,有兩大注意事項: 一, 細心檢查汽車零件,包括引擎、波箱、車身、車頭、車頂、車尾、車門、頭尾冚及保險桿等等。 二, 留意牌簿資料,檢查出廠年份、首次登記年份、手數等等。 買家亦可委託第三方驗車機構進行詳細驗車,以策萬全。 第三步:支付訂金並簽臨時合約. 支付訂金的先後次序因人而異。 假若賣家同意先驗後買,準買家驗車後亦滿意的話,當然可以馬上成交。 但大多數情況下,賣家都會要求準買家先落訂,才可以進行驗車。

  5. The provisions of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap.163 of Laws of Hong Kong) (the "Ordinance") summarised below are important for the protection of all the parties to a loan agreement, and should be read carefully. The summary is not part of the law, and reference should be made to the provisions of the Ordinance itself in case of doubt.

  6. No problem! You can apply for a no-doc loan, even without a full-time job . Simple and convenient online application process. Only ID card and mobile number are required# As a freelancer or an entrepreneur, when you are in urgent need of some cash, are you unable to apply for a loan because you cannot provide salary proof?

  7. Promise stands by you at every critical moment. Whether it is to resolve cash flow problems, settle credit card debt, pay taxes or kickstart your business, we provide flexible financing solutions, and allow 24-hour loan applications online without handling fees.

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