雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 金庸. 查良鏞於2007年7月。. 金庸 (1924年3月10日—2018年10月30日) , 大紫荊勳賢 , OBE ,本名 查良鏞 (英語: Louis Cha Leung-yung [註 1] ),男,籍貫 浙江 海寧 [註 2] , 香港 文学家、 武俠小說 作家、社会活动家,1948年移居香港。. 與 倪匡 、 黃霑 、 蔡瀾 一起 ...

  2. 2024年4月29日 · 金庸 (1924年3月10日—2018年10月30日) , 大紫荊勳賢 , OBE ,本名 查良鏞 (英語: Louis Cha Leung-yung [註 1] ),男,籍貫 浙江 海寧 [註 2] , 香港 文學家、 武俠小說 作家、社會活動家,1948年移居香港。. 與 倪匡 、 黃霑 、 蔡瀾 一起,獲傳媒冠以「 香港四大 ...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jin_YongJin Yong - Wikipedia

    • Early Life
    • Education
    • Career
    • Personal Life
    • Death
    • Decorations and Conferments
    • Works
    • Translations
    • Adaptations
    • As Film Director

    Born on March 10, 1924, in Haining, Zhejiang in Republican China, Cha was named Zha Liangyong and is the second of seven children. He hailed from the scholarly Zha clan of Haining (海寧查氏), whose members included notable literati of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties such as Zha Jizuo (1601–1676), Zha Shenxing (1650–1727) and Zha Siting (查嗣庭; die...

    Cha was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages at the Central University of Political Affairs in Chongqing. Cha later dropped out of the school. He took the entrance exam and gained admission to the Faculty of Law at Soochow University, where he majored in international law with the intention of pursuing a career in the foreign service. In...

    Cha was a journalist. To help support his studies, he began work in 1947 as a journalist and translator for the Ta Kung Pao newspaper in Shanghai. He moved to Hong Kong in 1948 to work for the paper's office in the city. When Cha was transferred to New Evening Post (of British Hong Kong) as Deputy Editor, he met Chen Wentong, who wrote his first wu...

    Cha's parents were Zha Shuqing (查樞卿) and Xu Lu (徐祿). He had four brothers and two sisters, and was the second oldest among the seven of them. His brothers were Zha Liangjian (查良鏗; 1916–1988), Zha Lianghao (查良浩; b. 1934), Zha Liangdong (查良棟; fl. 1930s) and Zha Liangyu (查良鈺; b. 1936). His sisters were Zha Liangxiu (查良琇; b. 1926) and Zha Liangxuan (查良...

    On 30 October 2018, Cha died after a long illness at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, aged 94. His funeral service was held privately at Hong Kong Funeral Home in Quarry Bay in 13 November 2018 with his family and friends, with well known figures including writers Ni Kuang, Chua Lam, Chip Tsao, Benny Lee, producer Zha...

    In addition to his wuxia novels, Cha also wrote many non-fiction works on Chinese history. For his achievements, he received many honours. Cha was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the British government in 1981. He was made a Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur (1992) and a Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres(2004)...

    Cha wrote a total of 16 fictional works, of which only one is a non-wuxia autobiographical short story (Yue Yun). His wuxia works are made up of a novella (Blade-dance of the Two Lovers), 2 standalone novels (White Horse Neighs in the Western Wind and Ode to Gallantry), 11 interconnected novelsof varying lengths, and a novelette ("Sword of the Yue ...

    Official English translations currently available include: 03. The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2018–2021; four volumes) – published by MacLehose Press (an imprint of Quercus Publishing), translated by Anna Holmwood, Gigi Chang, and Shelly Bryant. The volumes are titled A Hero Born, A Bond Undone, A Snake Lies Waiting, and A Heart Divided. 04. The ...

    There are over 90 films and TV shows adapted from Cha's wuxia novels, including King Hu's The Swordsman (1990) and its sequel Swordsman II (1992), Wong Jing's 1992 films Royal Tramp and Royal Tramp II, and Wong Kar-wai's Ashes of Time (1994). Dozens of role-playing video games are based on Cha's novels, including Heroes of Jin Yong. Cha's works hav...

    Jin Yong co-directed 2 films produced by Hong Kong's Great Wall Movie Enterprises. In both films he is credited as Cha Leung-yung, his official name in Hong Kong.

  4. jinyong.com › cgi-bin › about金庸網

    查良鏞是香港著名的新聞工作者和社會活動家也是蜚聲世界文壇的中國文學家和學者查良鏞畢生從事新聞工作是華人世界中卓有成就的報人查良鏞早期曾在杭州東南日報》、上海大公報》、香港大公報新晚報先後任職記者翻譯和編輯。 於1959年,他創辦了香港《明報》,之後又相繼創辦了《明報月刊》和《明報周刊》,並在新加坡創辦了《新明日報》、在馬來西亞創辦了《新明日報》。 自1959年至1993年,查良鏞擔任香港《明報》社長、董事長、名譽董事長。 在此期間,查良鏞為《明報》撰寫社評三十餘年,出版有《香港的前途》、《在台所見、所聞、所思》等政論集。 查良鏞是香港著名的社會活動家,?香港和中國的統一事業服務。

  5. 金庸簡介. 金庸 (19242018 ),本名查良鏞 ( Louis Cha),浙江海寧人。 英國劍橋大學哲學碩士、博士。 曾任報社記者、翻譯、編輯、電影公司編劇、導演等;一九五九年創辦《明報》機構,出版報紙、雜誌及書籍;一九九三年退休。 先後撰寫武俠小說十五部,廣受當代讀者歡迎,至今已蔚為全球華人的共同語言,並興起海內外金學研究風氣。 《金庸作品集》有英、法、意、德、希臘、波蘭、芬蘭、西班牙、日、韓、泰、越、馬來、印尼等多種譯文。

  6. 2022年8月8日 · 武俠小說作家筆名金庸的查良鏞. 昨日離世. ,享年 94 歲。 《明報報道查良鏞 1924 年生於浙江省海寧縣,是望族之後,為著名詩人徐志摩的表弟。 他在中國內地讀書期間,曾因批評校政被勒令退學。 1959 年創立明報查良鏞在 1967 年曾疑因《明報》社評譴責左派放炸彈而收到炸彈郵包恐嚇,一度要到海外暫避。 READ MORE. 金庸遽逝:「含笑駕鶴倚天飛」 查良鏞生平. 1924年3月10日:在浙江省海寧縣出世. 1929年5月:入讀家鄉海寧縣袁花鎮小學. 1936年:年入嘉興一中讀初中,離開家鄉. 1937年:日軍入侵,因戰事而隨學校輾轉到餘杭、臨安、麗水等地. 1938年:浙江省立聯合高中初中部就讀.

  7. 改. 金庸 , GBM , OBE ( 粵拼 : gam1 jung4 , 英文 : Louis Cha Jing-yong [1] , 1924年 3月10號 — 2018年 10月30號 ),真名 查良鏞 ( zaa1 loeng4 jung4 ),係 唐人 武俠小說 作家 、 報人 。. 佢喺 中國大陸 出世、長大同讀書,後來移居 香港 。. 佢寫過十五部武俠小說,亦 ...