雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 胃鏡. A special instrument called a gastroscope is put in the mouth and passed down into the stomach. 一個叫做胃鏡的特殊工具從口腔置入,下行到胃部。 The gastroscope is fitted with a tiny camera that allows the doctor to see the stomach lining. 胃鏡上裝有一個微小的攝像機,讓醫生可以看到胃的內壁。 减少例句. The gastroscope was withdrawn into the esophagus.

  2. a medical examination of the inside of the stomach and part of the small intestine (= the upper part of the bowels between the stomach and the large intestine) using a gastroscope (= a long, thin medical device with a light and camera) 胃鏡檢查. A gastroscopy showed duodenal ulcers. 通過胃鏡檢查發現有十二指腸潰瘍。

  3. 胃內窺鏡檢查,俗稱「照胃鏡」,透過精細鏡頭檢視食道、胃及十二指腸內壁是否有胃瘜肉、潰瘍等狀況,檢查過程中醫生會視乎病人情況進行止血、切除瘜肉。

  4. 2024年9月20日 · 胃鏡檢查,俗稱照胃鏡,全名為「食道胃十二指腸內視鏡檢查」,把柔軟而幼長的內視鏡(或稱內窺鏡)放進體內,檢查上腔消化道包括食道、胃及十二指腸的內壁,為診斷食道及腸胃疾病的最佳方法。 醫生可透過內視鏡觀察上腔消化道,診斷體內狀況或病變,如潰瘍、發炎及腫瘤等,必要時亦可以抽取組織進行化驗,確認病人有否患上胃癌、食道癌等病症。 照胃鏡屬入侵性檢查,醫生會透過各方面評估病人是否有需要照胃鏡。 如出現特別病徵包括腸胃出血、吞嚥困難、原因不明之腹痛,或家族有腸胃疾病歷史等,均應接受胃鏡檢查。 延伸閱讀︰. 【大腸癌】初期徵兆難察覺? 即看成因、病徵、檢查、治療及預防. 照胃鏡可以診斷出哪些病症? 醫生透過胃鏡檢查,可以診斷出上消化道的潰瘍、發炎及腫瘤等,當中包括以下幾種疾病: 1. 胃潰瘍.

  5. 甚麼是胃鏡胃鏡是一根可屈曲,並於末端裝有鏡頭的軟管,可直接檢視食道、胃及十二指腸的情況。 甚麼時候需要作胃鏡檢查

  6. amc.hkbh.org.hk › tc › service胃鏡檢查 | HKBH

    胃鏡檢查,亦稱上消化道內視鏡,常用於診斷食道、胃及十二指腸。 當發現異常情況,可同時抽取組織檢驗或進行治療。 認 識胃癌多一點

  7. EGD (also known as upper endoscopy, upper GI endoscopy gastroscopy, or panendoscopy) is a procedure that enables your physician to inspect the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract, i.e., the esophagus, stomach, and the duodenum (first and second portion of the duodenum) by using a thin flexible tube approximately 130cm in le...

  8. Many translated example sentences containing "胃鏡" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  9. 胃鏡內視鏡檢查 (英文: Gastroscopy),俗稱照胃鏡,胃鏡檢查過程是用柔軟可彎曲的內視鏡由口進入食道、胃及十二指腸進行上消化道檢查。 醫生在電視螢光幕觀察上胃內的狀況或病變,如異常細胞、潰瘍或瘜肉等。

  10. a medical examination of the inside of the stomach and part of the small intestine (= the upper part of the bowels between the stomach and the large intestine) using a gastroscope (= a long, thin medical device with a light and camera) 胃镜检查. A gastroscopy showed duodenal ulcers. 通过胃镜检查发现有十二指肠溃疡。

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