雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  2. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  3. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  4. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  5. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    東亞搬運有限公司的“大型物件上樓梯”服務專為解決將大型、重型或體積龐大物件運送至高層住宅或辦公室的挑戰而設計。 我們明白在狹窄的樓梯間搬運大型物品的難度,因此提供了一個專業、安全且高效的解決方案。 無論是家具、鋼琴、大型電器還是其他任何難以搬運的物件,我們的專業團隊都有豐富的經驗和專業的設備來確保每一件物品都能安全到達目的地。 從初步評估到物品安全到達,我們的每一步驟都旨在提供無與倫比的客戶體驗。 我們將根據物品的具體情況和搬運路線的複雜性來規劃最佳搬運方案,並使用適當的保護措施和工具,如滑輪系統、搬運帶和專業的搬運技巧,以最大限度減少任何損害的風險。 我們承諾,透過我們的“大型物件上樓梯”服務,您的搬運過程將變得無憂無慮,讓您的寶貴物品安全到家。

  6. 主要分為四大範圍: 1.坪洲. 2.長洲. 3.南丫島. 4.梅窩. 直接送上新居,一般大約全程費用8000元起 (梅窩大約為三千起),需時一天。 由早上9AM開始,一直做到下午黃昏時段。 離島搬屋流程. 所有物件包裝好,送到碼頭要再落卡板. 大型吊船. 碼頭工人. 如下雨天有帆布遮蓋. 東亞搬屋有限公司@29581233#長州 南Y島 坪州 離島搬屋.

  7. 東亞搬運對搬夾萬服務有多年豐富的經驗和專業的技術,特別是重量遠比一般家俱重的重型夾萬時就更加需要小心處理。 這時候就需要找有搬重型夾萬的相關技術、專業搬運工具和價錢公道的東亞搬運。 有一些地區會比較多重型夾萬需要搬運,例如紅磡區,因為比較多珠寶公司。 夾萬一般重量介乎800 KG 至 1500 KG之間,如夾萬個重,我們可以把夾萬門拆掉,減輕重量。 搬夾萬時需要使用特別搬運器材來搬運。 擁有良好服務人員質素、重視專業服務、親切熱誠、經驗豐富、的東亞搬運便是你搬夾萬過程中最值得信賴的的搬運公司。 夾萬過重需要拆門. 成功拆門之後. 如搬運過程有梯級,我們亦有 專業技術,保證成功運送. 1. 夾萬包裝好準備上樓. 2. 樓梯鋪上木板準備搬運. 3. 進入電梯. 4. 成功運送到指定地方.