2017年10月16日 · This network, along with exemplary research and a proven record of academic success, is the key to having a university invite you to stay for the long haul—or at least for another year. For many, getting a job at a Japanese university is like hitting the teaching jackpot.
2019年3月18日 · So make sure to come in traditional business attire when interviewing for a job. Regardless if you plan to sit at a desk with professionals or dream to become a preschool teacher who'll spend the day running after kids, you'll need to suit up on your interview day. 4. Be Ready for a Skills Exam.
2018年8月17日 · I'm a writer, actor, iOS developer and also an avid photographer in my spare time. For many, freelance language teaching jobs are the cream of the crop, offering flexibility and comfort unlike any other. But finding students can be a challenge without the right resources. Here are five solid options to get you started!
2018年1月9日 · 1. English Teachers in Japan. http://ltprofessionals.com/etj. English Teachers in Japan (ETJ) is a grassroots and free association for English teachers in Japan that encourages the exchange of information and teaching ideas, provides opportunities for training and professional development, and brings teachers together into a community.
2016年4月12日 · Secondary education in Japan is divided into junior high (chu-gakko) and senior high (koto-gakko, abbreviated to ko-ko), the later of which encompasses 16- to 18-year-olds in grades 10 through 12.
2019年6月17日 · An ALT, or Assistant Language Teacher, is the industry term used to refer to a (usually) native English speaker who works in the public school system in Japan as an English teacher, with the only hard requirements being a college degree, as well as a formative education in an English environment (exactly what this means depends on the company ...
這間學校所有的課程內容都被規劃得很完整,老師們也都很有教學能力,教科書也非常生活化,且淺顯易懂。 還有教材裡的「每周單字」讓我不僅能在家複習,還能在學校中频繁練習運用。