雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 一至三線財務公司點樣分? 一線財務公司:持放債人牌照,多有銀行、上市公司或跨國金融集團背景,提供不同貸款計劃,貸款額度相對較高而還款期亦較長,不時推出借貸優惠。 二線財務公司:持放債人牌照,或收取較高利息及手續費,部分提供「免信貸查核」貸款產品,以讓信貸評級較差的人士申請。 三線財務公司:無名甚至是無牌放債。 利息相對來講最高,還款期短,多不查核申請者背景﹑信貸報告等資料。 借款人不需遞交任何證明文件,只需身份證,一個電話,不需簽約就即批借錢,俗稱「電話數」。 對急需現金周轉的人士來說,三線財務公司主打免審批﹑免簽約﹑更無需文件﹑無需親身見面﹑借錢電話數即批,可說是最方便吸引,但是申請者往往都忽略了借「電話數」帶來的風險及危機。 三線財務公司 收取不合理的高年息 濫收佣金手續費.

  2. 邦民myPROMISE 易借易還 即時解決財務需要 您的私人貸款公司首選 邦民日本財務(香港)有限公司自1992年在香港營業,一直為客戶提供易借易還的私人貸款服務。邦民香港傳承母公司於日本多年在授信管理、債權管理、營運管理和市場管理等各方面財務行業的知識及經驗,成立專業貼心貸款公司,為 ...

  3. Repayment period of No-doc Loan for Self-employed varies from 3 to 84 months. Assuming a loan amount of HK$200,000, with monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) and a repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee, the monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940.

  4. 想以私人貸款實現理財目標,或者應付即時現金需要,其實當中有許多學問。. 邦民為您提供不同貸款知識,讓您於申請貸款前了解更多!. 結婚費用大公開!. 結婚禮金考慮因素|過大禮禮金意頭有何説法?. 結婚費用大概多少?. 即看結婚禮金金額談判攻略,助 ...

  5. The provisions of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap.163 of Laws of Hong Kong) (the "Ordinance") summarised below are important for the protection of all the parties to a loan agreement, and should be read carefully. The summary is not part of the law, and reference should be made to the provisions of the Ordinance itself in case of doubt.

  6. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) Repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee Monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940; total repayment amount will be HK$213,840

  7. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) Repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee Monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940; total repayment amount will be HK$213,840