雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2021年5月18日 · 大宗商品. 通過對渣打銀行全球網絡和國際債券市場的深入見解及量化分析,為利率衍生品、政府債券提供可執行的交易策略。 風險研究. 信用. 自下而上的深度化基礎研究與專題化,差异化自上而下的信用策略相結合; 研究覆蓋亞洲、非洲與中東地區的主權國家、超過300個企業及金融機構的信用資訊。 地缘政治研究. 分析全球地緣政治風險以及它們帶來的經濟影響; 監測關鍵選舉、氣候變化以及互聯網戰爭等系統性風險。 免責聲明. 本網頁資訊由渣打集團任何一間或以上成員編製。 「渣打集團」指Standard Chartered PLC及其所有位於各地的控股公司、子公司、關聯公司、附屬公司、代表辦事處和分行,包括以上機構的董事、管理人員、員工及/或相關人士。

  2. 渣打銀行香港

  3. www.sc.com › hk › investmentwww.sc.com


  4. 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司投資者關係 - 查閱香港財務報告及香港證券交易所報告,並聯絡至集團投資者關係網站 渣打品味盛饌:仲夏暢飲優惠 渣打國泰Mastercard ® 為您帶來一系列頂尖食府專屬餐飲禮遇。 立即行動,齊齊每餐食住賞!

    • Appointed
    • Experience
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Judy was appointed CEO, Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB) in January 2021 and has been a member of the Group Management Team since 2018.

    Judy’s banking career spans more than 30 years, including various leadership roles in Asia with global, regional and market responsibilities. She has deep experience in retail banking, wealth management and in developing affluent client strategies and is passionate about building diverse teams to drive resilience, adaptability and innovation.

    Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed Regi...

    Judy was appointed to the board of CapitaLand Limited as a non-executive and independent director in May 2021.

  5. 2023年8月31日 · 日期. 文件. 2019年03月28日. 渣打銀行 (香港)有限公司 – 董事會報告書及綜合財務報表. 2018年08月31日. 渣打銀行 (香港)有限公司 –簡明綜合中期財務資料報表(未經審核). 2018年07月31日. 渣打銀行 (香港)有限公司-簡明綜合中期財務報表 (未經審核) 2017.

  6. 18 January 2017, Hong Kong – Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“Standard Chartered Hong Kong”) today appointed Mary Huen, currently Regional Head of Retail Banking, Greater China and North Asia (GCNA), as the new Chief Executive Officer for Hong Kong.

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