雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Citi PayAll. 用Citi PayAll交各種生活洗費賺盡積分或回贈. 轉數入 Citi. 於App內按幾下即可從其他銀行轉錢入戶口. 顯示更多. 常見問題. 下載應用程式常見問題. 安卓用家安裝守則 (只限無法使用Google Play) 安卓APK 下載安全提示. 如您遇到任何可疑下載的程序, 請切勿嘗試登入, 立刻停止操作或盡快與本行職員查詢。 慎防下載假冒流動應用程序,避免被虛假或木馬程序盜取登入資料。 不要複製和安裝不確定來源的流動應用程序。 請注意,您只應該在您無法使用Google Play 時透過此銀行網頁下載APK 檔案。

  2. Citi Handy Cash offers a fast and simple personal loan option to both employees and self-employed individuals to meet their quick financial needs with minimum documents. (Click HERE for Personal Loan Key Fact Statement) Accept all types of salary proof a. Loan amount up to 8x monthly salary b. Repayment term up to 60 months c.

  3. Citi The Club Credit Card. Up to 4% rebate at more than 40 designated merchants^ 1% spending rebate^ at other merchants with no cap. 4% rebate using autopay for 1O1O, csl, Netvigator and NowTV ^ Transfer Clubpoints to spending credits or redeem an amazing range of rewards at The Club. Complimentary travel insurance. CITI REWARDS UNIONPAY CARD.

  4. A simpler, faster and safer way of banking is here. Get more with just one app. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you.