雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center. We were fortunate to talk with Selina Provias, who came out as transgender and underwent hormone therapy in Japan, to learn about her experiences and how they have affected her work and personal life here.

  2. All About 阿希. 旅遊書作者,也是旅行回憶分享者,年少時便已鍾愛日本點點滴滴;即便早已走訪多個縣市,但旅日的腳步依舊,總想發掘這些地方不一樣的面目。. 一起“Take a reading break!”,透過翱翔文字海與寫真走馬燈,每天「療癒」數十分鐘。. FB: 旅子手帖 ...

  3. 位於福島市區不遠的花見山公園,如其名是個一年四季皆可賞花的知名景點,包括櫻花、梅花、油菜花、垂枝連翹和玉蘭花,還有美不勝收的繡球花、天香百合,以及五彩繽紛的杜鵑花,廣受當地人喜愛,當然也是東北必遊的賞櫻景點之一。 來此絕對不能錯過沿著櫻花步道漫步,在以佈滿雪的吾妻連峰為背景下,愜意地享受被彼岸櫻、寒緋櫻、八重櫻等種種櫻花包圍的雙重景致。 ©PIXTA. 話說此地是由阿部家族從 1920 年代起,開始在農場周邊的山坡上種花,並以賣花賺取額外收入,到了1959 年,阿部家族打造了一個公園,命名為花見山,並對外開放,而透過已故攝影師秋山庄太郎先生曾讚賞「福島也有桃源鄉」,並將花見山之美介紹給日本全國後,此處即廣受歡迎,園內規劃完善散策道,可依據時程安排30~60分鐘不等行程,盡情融入花香世界。

  4. 2018年1月1日 · Hakone 'yosegi zaiku' is a kind of woodworking technique typically used to make puzzle boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms. Not only do they make a great gift—at the Hakone Trick Museum you can even make one of your own!

  5. 2016年11月2日 · Some of the biggest festivals you won’t want to miss include: Dec. 31 & Jan. 1: New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day (celebrated throughout Japan) 2nd week of Feb.: Sapporo Snow Festival (Hokkaido) Apr. 14-15: Takayama Festival (Gifu) 3rd Fri-Sun of May: Sanja Matsuri (Asakusa, Tokyo) May 15: Aoi Matsuri (Kyoto)

  6. 日本三大和牛到底是哪三大,其實沒有統一說法,一般而言是指松阪牛、神戶牛,以及近江牛和米澤牛的其中一種。 在日本一百五十多個和牛品牌百家爭鳴的狀況下,這幾個和牛品牌為何能夠脫穎而出,受到全世界饕客的喜愛呢? 讓我們一起來看看其魅力之處吧! 三重|松阪牛. 你或許對於日本三重縣不是那麼熟悉,但你一定聽過松阪牛! 被譽為日本三大和牛之一的松阪牛,飼育方式可是相當講究。 嚴選未經生產的黑毛和牛雌牛飼養,並在飼育後期讓牛隻飲用啤酒,以改善牛隻胃袋中的消化環境並刺激食慾,促進優良肉質生長。 此外,為讓脂肪均勻分布,還會為牛隻按摩。

  7. 2017年1月26日 · Former samurai Yasubei Kimura found himself out of work following the dissolution of the samurai class and the rise of an all-conscript military during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). In 1869, he founded a bakery named Bun'eido in what is now the Shinbashi area of Tokyo, picking up on the staple that had been recently reintroduced to Japan, but ...

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