雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 赵长鹏 (1977年9月10日 — ,常以 縮寫 「 CZ 」稱呼)是 加拿大華人 企业家。 其曾任 Blockchain.info 会员及OKCoin的 首席技术官 [2] [3] ,並創辦 加密貨幣 交易所 幣安 ,該平臺每秒140万次的交易能力吸引了600万用户,亦因此於2018年4月成為全球最大的加密貨幣交易平臺 [4] [5] 。 其与币安聯合創辦人 何一 [來源請求] 共育有两子女,目前定居於 阿拉伯聯合大公國 杜拜 。 2023年11月,趙長鵬承認違反美國反洗錢法並辭去幣安執行長一職。 [6] 生平. 赵长鹏祖籍 贵州 贵阳 ,生于 江苏 连云港 [7] 。

  2. 趙長鵬 (1977年9月10日 — ,常以 縮寫 「 CZ 」稱呼)是 加拿大華人 企業家。 其曾任 Blockchain.info 會員及OKCoin的 技術長 [2] [3] ,並創辦 加密貨幣 交易所 幣安 ,該平臺每秒140萬次的交易能力吸引了600萬用戶,亦因此於2018年4月成為全球最大的加密貨幣交易平臺 [4] [5] 。 其與幣安聯合創辦人 何一 [來源請求] 共育有兩子女,目前定居於 阿拉伯聯合大公國 杜拜 。 2023年11月,趙長鵬承認違反美國反洗錢法並辭去幣安執行長一職。 [6] 生平 [ 編輯] 趙長鵬祖籍 貴州 貴陽 ,生於 江蘇 連雲港 [7] 。

    • Early Life and Education
    • Early Career
    • Business Career
    • Legal Troubles
    • Views on Cryptocurrency
    • Personal Life

    Zhao was born in Lianyungang in China's Jiangsu province. In the late 1980s, when he was 12 years old, he immigrated with his family to Canada, settling down in Vancouver, British Columbia. His parents were both schoolteachers in China. His father worked as a university instructor before he was branded a "pro-bourgeois intellect" and exiled to rura...

    After graduating from McGill, Zhao was selected for an internship in Tokyo working for a subcontractor of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, developing software for matching trade orders. He later went to work full-time for four years at Bloomberg Tradebook where he was a developer of futures tradingsoftware.

    In 2005, Zhao moved to Shanghai to launch his business career, where he established his first technology startup company called Fusion Systems, which was known for "some of the fastest automated high-frequency trading platforms and systems for stockbrokers." Zhao first heard of Bitcoin in 2013 when playing poker with Bobby Lee (brother of Charlie L...

    Civil lawsuits

    On 27 March 2023, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a lawsuit against Binance and Zhao in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, claiming willful evasion of US law and allegedly breaching derivatives rules. The agency accused Binance of breaking rules intended to thwart money laundering operations, pointing to internal communications describing transactions by Palestinian militant organization Hamas, and suspected criminals. In June 2023, t...

    Criminal conviction

    In November 2023, Zhao agreed to resign from Binance and pay a $50 million fine as part of a guilty plea to U.S. federal charges. Binance also agreed to plead guilty, and to pay $4.3 billion in fines. Zhao was replaced as CEO by Richard Teng. Zhao pled guilty to violating the American Bank Secrecy Act by prioritizing Binance's growth over compliance with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's anti-money laundering requirements. Although Zhao only personally pled guilty to a single crimina...

    In an interview with The New York Times, Zhao said people are getting into crypto as they see it grow, "trade it and make money off it as opposed to using it," but that the market will always self-correct. On April 6, 2021, Zhao told Bloomberg Marketsthat nearly 100% of his liquid net worth was in the form of cryptocurrency.

    Zhao is a Canadian and UAE citizen. Born in China in 1977, Zhao acquired a Canadian visa in 1989 and left China that same year after the events of Tiananmen Square. In 2022, Zhao said that he had acquired Canadian citizenship some 30 years before, around 1992. In 2005, he moved back to China, eventually owning an apartment in Shanghai. In 2015, he ...

  3. 2022年1月21日 · 趙長鵬從十多歲起便做兼職幫補家計曾在麥當勞做兼職亦在加油站工作過。 直到他從加拿大麥基爾大學(McGill University)電腦科學學系畢業後,就遠赴東京和紐約工作。 包括為 東京股票交易所 開發訂單系統及在 Bloomberg Tradebook 開發期貨交易軟件。 2013年起潛心研究數字資產. 2005年趙長鵬 回到上海開創Fusion Systems公司業務主要幫助全球銀行建構高效的交易軟件。 創業令他賺到第一桶金,同時累積了充足的營商經驗,為日後幣安的建立帶來基礎。 2013年, 趙長鵬 從電子資產領域著名企業家李啟元及曹大容口中,首次得知加密貨幣、比特幣的概念。 從那時起, 趙長鵬 就被虛擬資產領域所吸引,繼而潛心研究這類資產的發展。 辭工賣樓買比特幣.

  4. 2024年5月1日 · 2024年5月1日. Reuters. 幣安創始人趙長鵬資料圖全球最大加密貨幣交易所創始人億萬富翁趙長鵬周二4月30日在西雅圖聯邦法院被判處四個月監禁。 趙長鵬被控允許犯罪分子在其平台上洗錢。 2023年11月,趙長鵬承認洗錢指控並辭去幣安CEO職位。 在美國的一項調查發現幣安幫助用戶繞過制裁之後,幣安被責令支付43億美元(34億英鎊)。 馬斯克反悔了...

  5. www.wikiwand.com › zh-hant › 赵长鹏趙長鵬 - Wikiwand

    趙長鵬 是加拿大華裔企業家。 其曾任Blockchain.info會員及OKCoin的首席技術官並創辦加密貨幣交易所幣安該平臺每秒140萬次的交易能力吸引了600萬用戶亦因此於2018年4月成為全球最大的加密貨幣交易平臺

  6. www.wikiwand.com › zh-tw › 赵长鹏趙長鵬 - Wikiwand

    趙長鵬 (1977年9月10日 — ,常以 縮寫 「 CZ 」稱呼)是 加拿大華人 企業家。 其曾任 Blockchain.info 會員及OKCoin的 技術長 [2] [3] ,並創辦 加密貨幣 交易所 幣安 ,該平臺每秒140萬次的交易能力吸引了600萬用戶,亦因此於2018年4月成為全球最大的加密貨幣交易平臺 [4] [5] 。 其與幣安聯合創辦人 何一[來源請求] 共育有兩子女,目前定居於 阿拉伯聯合大公國 杜拜 。 2023年11月,趙長鵬承認違反美國反洗錢法並辭去幣安執行長一職。 [6] Quick Facts 趙長鵬 [1], 出生 ... Close. Oops something went wrong: 趙長鵬 是加拿大華人企業家。