雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 蘇黎世保險香港首席市場服務總監郭慧儀表示:「是次調查數字顯示很多港人仍未明白醫療保險的重要性本地醫療成本不斷上漲單靠公司團體醫療保險及積蓄或不足應付醫療開支莫說如患上危疾的龐大醫療費用

  2. 嘉賓:蘇黎世保險(香港)首席市場服務總監慧儀 除以下每集重溫外,您亦可逢星期二及四上午8時55分,緊貼 新城財經台FM104 收聽直播。 立即重溫:

  3. 香港,2020年6月1日 ── 博愛醫院獲蘇黎世保險香港) (「蘇黎世」)慷慨解囊透過Z蘇黎世基金會捐款港幣110萬以支持設立蘇黎世疫境前行關懷計劃於疫情期間分階段為基層家庭學童及長者提供適切的協助藉愉快學習或運動帶動樂觀心情以正 ...

  4. Media Releases, October 5, 2016. Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) Appoints Eric Hui as CEO. Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) announces the appointment of Eric Hui as Chief Executive Officer, with effect from September 15, 2016. Eric has been Chief Executive Officer of Zurichs General Insurance business in Hong Kong since June 2012.

  5. Hong Kong, October 30, 2020 – Hong Kong is home to numerous natural attractions, including country parks, geological sites, islands, beaches and many more; the MacLehose Trail was even named one of the world’s best 20 “Dream Trails” by National Geographic Magazine in 2016, allowing locals to explore stunning hidden gems without stepping foot outside the city.

  6. Corporate Updates, March 29, 2016. Interview of Zurich Hong Kong CEOs by BENCHMARK Magazine. The CEOs of Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) were interviewed by BENCHMARK Magazine for the company’s outstanding achievements at the BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards.

  7. 保險計劃為全港首個專為疫情下本地旅遊而設的團體保險 1 ,提供100,000港元意外死亡賠償、高達100,000港元傷殘保障及高達5,000港元意外醫療保障 2 ,而鑑於疫情下,假如受保人於受保旅程期間感染2019冠狀病毒病,其住院醫療費用亦納入保障範圍內。 蘇黎世保險(香港)行政總裁許金桂指出:「本地旅遊是旅遊業的新曙光。 香港的自然資源極為豐富,在政府及業界大力推動下,相信有助綠色旅遊、生態旅遊以至不同的本地旅遊模式於新常態下盛行。 蘇黎世一直致力聆聽港人需求,為客戶提供妥善的保障。 作為旅遊保障及保險業界翹楚,我們率先推出針對本地遊的保險計劃,希望藉此為有意以團體形式探索本地景點的客戶提供適時支援。

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