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    • 1. water dispenser
    • 2. drinking fountain

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  2. 簡單來說,飲水機的英文主要有三種說法,分別是 water dispenserwater cooler 以及 water fountain,那就往下看看它們的差別吧! 1. water dispenser. water dispenser 就是泛指供水的機器,所以我們生活中常看到的飲水機都可以這麼稱,像是家用開飲機、電子式飲水機等。 dispense 當動詞為「分發、供應」的意思,所以 dispenser 就是可以提供某樣東西的機器,像是 cash dispenser(提款機)、soap dispenser(皂液器)。 如果是特別強調有用濾芯過濾水的飲水機,可以說:filtered water dispenser.

  3. Many translated example sentences containing "飲水機" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  4. water cooler | 商務英語. noun [ C ] WORKPLACE (also water-cooler); (watercooler) uk us. Add to word list. a machine that supplies cool water for drinking, usually in an office or other public place: You can add almost a quarter of a mile to your daily walking schedule simply going from desk to water cooler. water cooler. adjective [ before noun ]

  5. Many translated example sentences containing "飲水器" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  6. 飲水機英文有兩種常見的翻譯,分別是 drinking fountain聽發音 water dispenser聽發音),其中 drinking fountains 這種是常見於公園或公共場所的那種開放式飲水機,而

  7. “飲水機"在免费中文——英文词典中的翻译: drinking fountain, water fountain, water cooler.查看更多翻译和示例。

  8. 2015年10月21日 · 公共場所中常可看到飲水機,方便民眾取用而不需購買瓶裝水。 「飲水機」的英文是drinking fountain或稱為water fountain是指按壓往上噴水的那種fountain原本是「泉水;噴泉;噴水池」。

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