雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. (Romans 12:17-18) 對人不可以惡報惡,對眾人要勉勵行善;如若可能,應盡力與眾人和睦相處。. (羅 12:17-18)

  2. 本校是一所天主教香港教區屬下的全日制私立男女小學,創辦於1958年,以紀念香港首任主教 高雷門 主教而命名, 當時由已故 祁良 神父出任校監兼校長。

  3. Our college shares the universal mission of Catholic Schools in the education of the whole person. Consistent with the school motto “In Constantia Fortitudo”, we shall guide our students to persevere in their quest for knowledge, help them to build their character, develop their potential and their sense of commitment toward the community ...

  4. When the temperature is 17℃ or below in the morning, students must wear the school dark green coat. 早上氣溫17度或以下,需穿深綠色棉褸(繡上校名)回校。. When the cold weather warning is hoisted, students have the option of wearing a plain black, dark blue or dark brown down jacket. 若天文臺於當天發出寒冷 ...

  5. Teaching Staff. There are 51 staff members at our school. Among the teachers, 40% of them are Catholics, 27.5% of them possess a master’s degree, 100% of them possess a bachelor’s degree and all teachers teaching English and Chinese Language have met the Language Proficiency Requirement of the Education Bureau in English and Putonghua.

  6. 高主教書院小學部「以禮待人」四格漫畫親子比賽 30 1 月, 2019

  7. 高主教書院小學部是一所天主教香港教區屬下的全日制私立男女小學。 本校秉承天主教學校的教育使命,以「全人教育」作為辦學宗旨,本著「堅毅力行」的校訓,引領學生追求知識、培養積極的學習態度及發展學生多元潛能,從而對社會作出貢獻。

  8. Admission - Raimondi College Primary Section 高主教書院小學部. (852) 2522 1826 rcps@raimondi.edu.hk.

  9. 本科課程內容共分五個範疇,包括「數」、「圖形與空間」、「度量」、「數據處理」 和「代數」。. 每個範疇內部的編排是由淺入深,由具體至抽象和採用螺旋式發展。. 目的是先讓學生學習數學的基本概念,然後在不同階段漸次提高深度及增廣闊度。. 本科於 ...

  10. 高主教書院小學部 申請二至五年級插班事宜(2022-2023年度) 報名日期: 由即日起至7月15日接受報名(以郵戳日期為準) 辦公時間: 星期一至五由上午9:00至下午4:00 星期六由上午9:00至中午12:00 報名方法: 1. 填妥本校報名表格,並貼上近照於表格相片欄

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